All your ideas certainly make enhancements to the feedback module. If i may add a suggestion that will change the use of the feedback module in ways i even cannot dream of is:
Give administrators the capability to create their own "what-ever-kind-of" forms composed of mixed types of properties.
(Design Pattern "Dynamic Object Model". See "Pattern Languages of Program Design 5").
To get a little more concrete...Let the administrator create in some WYSIWYG style a "feedback" form or "what-ever-kind-of" form, where he startsout with naming the form and choosing the functions needed after submition. For every form, several actions can be configured like emailing with or without attachments to single or multiple receivers. There must be support in order to import/export a whole objectmodel of the form so it can be exchanged and used within other DNN portals (Lots of business use the same kind if "feedback"-forms or "what-ever-kind-of" form).
After defining the form the administrator adds the needed properties and gives each a name, selects the propertype, fills in helptext, chooses the validation and does other kinds of property configuration. For every property type there must be default validationtypes available for the administrator to choose from. Ofcourse there must be also the possibilty of custom validation through code and/or regex or some other kind of pluggable variation.
Yeah it sounds easy, but hey the life of a developer is boring without a challenge... 