This is a tough issue, but is there guidence for how to ensure an old (circa DNN 4.x) site can be brought up to current standards? I've upgraded frequently over the years, so yes my site is successfully running DNN 6.0.0. My question is more how to ensure I've got the current default HTML editor, the current default menu provider, the current XXXXX provider?
Properly, DNNCorp disables forced upgrades to these new features - to provide stability and allow administrators to test and decide when to change to the new functionality on their own schedule. But rarely have I seen consistent notes indicating optional upgrade paths for any install and how to accomplish this. I have seen much of this scattered through various blogs, forum announcements and posts, and release notes - but not consistently.
I've FINALLY found what appears to be good info for upgrading old menus at: (hurrah!)
- my upgraded site's HTML editor sure doesn't look like the default DNN 6.0 HTML editor.
- the edit menu at the very top line(s) of the web page looks different depending whether I'm on an upgraded or virgin site:
I suspect there are a number of other 'providers' or other functionality I may also wish to upgrade.
Is this information maintained in an consistent location? I don't see it at the one location that (now) exists for this kind of thing:
Any there any lists of optional changes over the years that one might wish to consider updating?