Hello everyone
I know ive asked a similar question regarding a module am looking for, but this is more specific about a a ventrian module, and if it doesnt fit my needs i ask if there is anything similar other than ventrian modules.
I tried to make my own module, i downloaded many things , tried many things and on every problem i face i get a new error/problem and now am stuck and i dont know what else to do. Any way
I want to ask about the Ventrian property agent module if it does the following:
- Read the products from sql server
- being able to modify the interface of the products and leave it as simple as possible. No extra buttons like add to card, or sortings and search.
Also if the abole is possible, when i press a product it will have to open in a new page but only the specific pane will change, and it will load the product details(again from the sql server). My question here is do i have to create all the pages for details for each product/property individually?
The following two pictures are my desired result or similar. Load a list of products, and possibly with many pages(1,2,3 with products) and when i press one it will load another page with the details like the image below.

If this is not possible with ventrian, are there any other alternative solutions that can manage this?
Thank you in advance and for your time