As normal module installing, open host->extension page, click ‘install extension wizard’, start the installing program. After installing module, on ‘Admin’ menu, you should find an item named ‘ContentManager’.
![image001_thumb_thumb_thumb[1] image001_thumb_thumb_thumb[1]](
At the same time, installing program create several pages for ContentManager,

ArchiveList is for archive list, ArchiveDetail is for archive content, ArchiveTag is for hot tag, ArchiveRss is for archive rss subscribe, ArchiveSearch is for archive search result.
Create Category:
You can create archive categories and add archive into. Click ManageCategories tab

Right click parent treeview node, click Add Category item on the environment menu,

Add category panel is visible.
![image005_thumb[2] image005_thumb[2]](
Enter category name into text area, you can create one category

or create two level categories one time.

Create one category at one time is recommended, you can set category permission, friendly url, SEO settings etc, then create its sub categories, its settings will be copied to its children.

When a new top category is created, it is visible to administrators only and don’t be displayed on navigate menu. You can set category is visible to all user and displayed on navigate menu. For example, click News category, the category property panel will be displayed on the right side,
![image009_thumb[2] image009_thumb[2]](
Check Include In Menu, View Item and View List, then click

New category will become like this.

For Include In Menu, that’s not enough, the skin used should be modified at the same time. Open skin file, replace '<dnn:MENU MenuStyle="DNNMega" runat="server" dnn:MENU> '
with '<dnn:MENU MenuStyle="DNNMega" runat="server" NodeManipulator="FYScience.ContentManager.CategoryMenu"></dnn:MENU>' in skin.

Add Archive:
After creating categories, we can add archives now. Click ManageArchives tab,

Click News category node, Manage Archives panel will be displayed on the right side.
![image014_thumb[2] image014_thumb[2]](
Click New Archive button, enter Eidt Archive page,
![image015_thumb[1] image015_thumb[1]](
There so many items for an archive, default the title and content is required, others can be modified later. Finally click

![image017_thumb[2] image017_thumb[2]](
Now, you can add archives into any categories.
Display Archive:
On action column of archive table, anchored several icon

pencil is for editing archive, magnifier is for Previewing archive, recycle bin if for removing archive to recycle bin. Click magnifier, skip to archive content page.
![image019_thumb[2] image019_thumb[2]](
If you click News category on navigate menu, you can view archive list.