You either found the answer yourself, or you just moved on. I have the same issue, so I thought I would play around with it to see what I could come up with. I believe that there are two solutions.
1) Create your new "go" button, and name it search.gif, and replace the default button at Root/DesktopModules/Map/search.gif. This should work just fine, but if you ever upgrade the core, or module, you would have to recopy the search image, as it would probably get replaced with the default image.
2) Use the Button Element ID as suggested. Here is my interpretation of what the developers are asking.
Using “Developer Tools” in IE or “Firebug” in Firefox, you can use the select or identify element tool on the default go button in your map page, and you should end up with something like this.
Well looking at what is returned, I can see that the button Element ID is “btnSearch522” and that this image using this id points to the default map module go button. So it would stand to reason that if I create an element in a CSS file with this name, I should be able to redirect the source to a different image. So I put something like this at the bottom of my skin.css file:
#btnSearch522 {
src: url(/images/search_go.gif);
This statement should override the hard coded path and redirct the source of the image file to my new destination and file.
Then the only thing left to do would be to place “btnSearch522” in the map modules “Button Element ID” text box. After saving and reloading, I believe that it should now work, but it does not. When I place btnSearch522 in the Button Element ID text box, not only does the button not show up, but neither does the search text box.
Like you, either I do not exactly understand what is being asked for, or I do and it is not working. If someone sees any errors in my logic, please let me know.
It is too bad that this module is not being supported by the developers, as it does about 85% of what I would expect from a map module. I do understand that the developers are mostly if not all volunteers, and that they might not have the time at this point in their lives to finish what has the potential to be a very good module. But it sure would be nice if a few of them could at least answer some simple questions like this one, where the documentation is lacking.
I have had great success with it so far, and I have been able to get most of it woking through trial and error.
By the way, David, if you found a solution to this issue, maybe you could reply and help save some of the hair I have left.