DnnModule.com Joined: 7/2/2004
Posts: 362
We receive a lot of spam registrations these days in our site ( http://DnnModule.com which based DNN 7.2). Normally we get over 50 spam registers each day, these spam registers just fill their profile with advertise url, and also try to post spam comments. This is a big problem.
We check on the "Admin - Site Settings - User Account Settings - Use CAPTCHA For Registration" option to show CAPTCHA control in user register interface, but it seems don't work. The spam registration continues. I think the spam machine knows how to bypass the CAPTCHA control.
We also change "User Registration" from "Public" to "Verified", but it still doesn't work. Yes, these spam register doesn't become as "Authorized" now, but they still can login and post some thing. DNN only shows a warning message for unauthorized users ("You are using an unverified account. Please verify your account by clicking on the link contained in the verification email we've already sent to you."), but doesn't limit their action.
Our site (http://DnnModule.com) is a live store, so we can't change "User Registration" to "None" or "Private" to fully hide the user registration. Does anyone have a good solution? Thanks very much.
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Joined: 12/15/2008
Posts: 838
If these are real humans then there's nothing you can do. You can use other kind of captchas like the ones from solvemedia.com where the user has to watch a 3 sec video and click or type in something. I have seen some other creative captchas Look around. I think the captcha that DNN uses is pretty basic and I won't be surprised if it can be broken by a bot.
One trick I use and I think it works, add a textbox and hide it. You know that this textbox can't be filled by a human. If this textbox is filled when the form was submitted, you know it wasn't filled by a human. I would even name it 'password' and name the real password field something else. Maybe it would fool the bot.
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DnnModule.com Joined: 7/2/2004
Posts: 362
Thanks for your suggestion, Tony. However, these are not real humans, they are just posted by spam machine. They have everything filled (unit, street, city, telephone, IM, website, biography, etc). Of course, they fill unit/street/city/tel with fake information, but in website, biography, they enter advertisement. Why these spam machine can bypass the captchas control? It seems DNN team should provide a more robust Captcha control to stop these machines.
Currently we have no way to stop these spam registrations. We have to carry a cumbersome process.
1. We select "User Registration" from "public" to "verified", of course, these spam can't pass the email verified process.
2. Click "Admin - User Accounts" to check unauthorized users every day, and delete them manually.
We can write a piece of code to automatic delete these unauthorized users, this is not a big problem. The problem is, change "User Registration" from "public" to "verified" will scare the real customers away from our site. Our site (http://DnnModule.com) always get about 20 -30 real registers before, but now we can only get not more than 5. This is very depressed.
I just notice that there is another thread which talks the same issue (http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/for...). It seems it is the common problem for DNN now.
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www.dynamisys.co.uk Joined: 3/26/2006
Posts: 2001
As I said in the other thread... Captcha has been broken for years. Here is a 2008 (six years ago) article. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/... Thinking that Captcha is a serious defence is naïve. In the six years since that article was written compute power has got cheaper, the crooks more sophisticated. As The Register noted, the tools are being sold as a service.
Best wishes,
- Richard
Agile Development Consultant, Practitioner, and Trainer
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DnnModule.com Joined: 7/2/2004
Posts: 362
We can't stand it any more. Today we get more spam registers (nearly 100 per hour). In fact, if we don't do something, our site will be broken. See below image as example:
And of course, we are DNN developers. So we just open DesktopModules\Admin\Security\Register.ascx (and Register.ascx.cs), try to add some custom verify mechanism to prevent these spam machines. Visit http://dnnmodule.com and click "Register" button, you will see how it works.
Basically we just require user to enter specific characters, this is readable for a human. However, maybe a spam machine doesn't know it. Wish our luck!
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