Hi everyone,
I'm brand new to DNN but am a programmer and technical person. A few years back I started a website to advertise local events in my home town. I built the site by modfying a base phpBB installation with custom work on my own and 3rd-party mods. In general it was a success, but I am looking to start the project from scratch, avoiding some of the pitfalls I encountered before, and take the concept nationally and eventually internationally.
My questions to the DNN community are whether or not DNN would be a good choice. I realize that the answers will likely be biased in favor of DNN, but I'd like to hear why you think DNN would be a good choice over other options I might choose (say, Joomla, for example).
The site will be relatively simple. The most important functionality would be an events calendar. I want users to be able to view the current week's upcoming events, next week's events, as well as all of the events in the current or next month, etc. Different views would be nice, I'd want to be able to filter the events in a calendar by event type, and I'd like to have summarized titles in the calendar with a nice javascript popup, displaying all the details. I'd also like for users to be able to register and receive customizable email notifications of new events in certain categories.
Other important functionality would be a basic forum, nothing too fancy, just something stable and scalable. User roles with different priveleges would also be needed. Some other stuff that would be cool would be a basic chat room, image and/or video gallery, and ad support.
From what I've read, DNN seems to have a lot of this functionality right out-of-the-box, as it were. What I'm curious about is how good this functionality is, and what problems you might think I'd run into -- in other words, in your opinion, what are the limitations? And if the core modules and functionality are not sufficient, which 3rd party (pay or free) modules would you recommend?
I'm definitely more well versed in .NET development than PHP, so that's a huge plus right there. However, as I experienced in working with phpBB and customizing mods myself, version upgrades quickly become a nightmare when you've modified the code on your own. What are people's experience in modfying the code base or some of the core modules and dealing with version upgrades?
Next, how well will the site scale? I am planning to take the site international, with separate event listings for many major cities world wide. Has anyone ever taken a DNN site to such a large scale? I know this aspect will depend in large part on my host and my hosting plan, but aside from that, how do you think DNN will hold up?
What does DNN have that other similar products don't, or what does it do better?
How is the community here? When you've encountered a problem, was the community relatively quick and able to help you correct the problem?
Finally, on an architectural note: I want to set up the website with subdomains or maybe just sub-directories with a separate one for each city. E.g. domain.com/Calgary, domain.com/NewYork, etc. How do you recommend I achieve that with a DNN installation?
Any opinions, suggestions, advice and info is most welcome.
Thanks in advance!