Joined: 8/7/2010
Posts: 20
I have few question to new Store module version 02.01.47 RC BETA. Thank you for answers.
1) If somebody buys a product from shop, he have to fill in some forms (Name, Street, City, Region, Country, Daytimephone,....) in step "Contact informations". Is possible to disable any forms? I´m asking becouse i live in Czech rep. and there isnt requied regions in addresses. I don´t want to have there dropdown list with many countries. I want only Czech republic :-)
2) Then I want to ask, if can I change display format of currency (now = CZK12,000.00, i want = 12,000.00 CZK)
3) Is possible to disable asp:Label Shipping and Hangling in Cart and Order review?
I think, it´s all for today. Maybe, i will add any questions later :-). Gilles, version .47 is much much better then .36! :-)
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Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi Filip,
First, thanks for your comment about the new version! ;-) I worked hard from 6 months to produce a better version. Almost all parts have been revised or rewrited.
1) You can't disable some fields in the Address porvider, may be in a future version. This is why I added an admin control for each provider in the Store Admin module. On the other hand, you could remove unneeded countries from the standard country list in DNN.
2) The Store module display currency using the date and currency server config. May be your server is in English or the language defined inside DNN is English? Verify first the language settings under DNN, then your server settings. If you have a dedicated server, go to the control panel and select the regional and linguistic setings. You can control each parameters, look at the MSDN documentation for details.
3) No you can't without modifying the code, but it depends in which control please specify where. A more simple way is to hide controls with CSS ( .clssname {display: none;})
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Joined: 8/7/2010
Posts: 20
thanks for fast answer!
1) I don´t understand very well to 2nd sentence. It´s right, that in Store Admin is Address control, but I can´t change anything, becouse thare isn´t anything... ?... And the 3rd sentence: i found the list, but there are almost 240 countries, but i need only 2 :-). Have I to delete each country separately :-)?
2)Thank you - it was Language
3) Shipping and Handling occurs in Store Account - Order History, but it isn´t necessary to hide it... (our company provides services, so you don´t need shipping :-))
4) NEW - I found small error - when you display store catalog and click Purchase button, you are redirected to checkout process, but no to cart... Same thing in minicart module - in bottom is link "View my basket", when you click it, you are redirected to checkout process too.
Thanks for next answers!
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Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi Filip,
1) If you don't understand, may be it's related to my poor English! :-) Currently in 02.01.47 when you expand the "Address Administration" section in the Store Admin module, you can read: "There is no setting for this provider.". At this place in a future version (not the very next 'official' one), you will be able to enable/disable some address fields. Previously, the used address provider was hard coded and it was not possible to change the address provider without make changes in the code. This is a small improvement for admins, but a MAJOR one for developers! Now you can create your own address provider and use it without change the core code and it allow you to be able to upgrade with future versions WITHOUT loose your changes.
2) You'r welcome!
3) OK it's more clear now! I will look to hide those lines when result values are equal to 0.
4) NO sorry, it's not a bug! It depends the 'Checkout Mode' you defined in the Store Admin module. If you select 'Registration Required' and the customer is NOT logged in, then the cart is displayed like before. If the customer is already logged, the billing address is displayed directly and he/she can change the content cart (if needed) at the second step just before to pay for his order. The same behavior is applyed when 'Customer Choice' is selected with a special message, because the customer have to choose if he/she want to create an account, login or order without an account. When 'Always Anonymous' is selected, the cart is never displayed at first step. The goal whith those changes was to try to increase the transformation rate. E-commerce specialists like Jakob Nielsen, explain than the less steps you have at checkout the better is! Moreover, it's better for some customers when it's not required to create an account. If you have better suggestions, you are welcome! :-) Several enhancements for the last betas comes from those reference articles:
We (team members) are Humans offering their knowledge, their work and their spare time FOR FREE to benefit the community. It would be so particularly appreciated that your messages begin with "Hello" and end with "Thank you" or any other form of politeness. Ask yourself what your reaction would be, if you were approached by me (a total stranger) on the street to ask you something without saying "Hello" nor "Thank you"? After several years of services dedicated to the community, I begin to be tired to read requests without any form of politeness.
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Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi Filip,
Sorry, I forgot your question about the country list! If you have a direct acces to your db, you can delete them from the Lists table. Take care, lists are instance wide. In other words, if you delete countries they wil be no longer available for all portals!
We (team members) are Humans offering their knowledge, their work and their spare time FOR FREE to benefit the community. It would be so particularly appreciated that your messages begin with "Hello" and end with "Thank you" or any other form of politeness. Ask yourself what your reaction would be, if you were approached by me (a total stranger) on the street to ask you something without saying "Hello" nor "Thank you"? After several years of services dedicated to the community, I begin to be tired to read requests without any form of politeness.
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