Thanks for the "re-explination" - I have found where those resources are located... however I am still having issues... maybe this will make more sense if I show you what I need to change. I looked in those resources, but did not find where I would need to make the changes.
for example - below is the "Order Confimation" email that is sent out to clients when they place an order - the items that need to be edited are those in a
green strikethrough the edit that will go in its place is in red:
Thank you for placing an order with Store Name. Please
find below an order number and a summary of your order. You can check the status
of your order at any time by logging into our site and clicking the "Order
History" link found on the Catalog page. If you have any questions about your
order, please feel free to contact us at, or simply reply to
this message.
Order Number: 1322
Order Date: 09/15/2010 03:03
Order Contents
1 x Store Item @ $0.00
Sub‐Total: $0.00
Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Unknown
Total: $0.00
Billing Address:
This Person
123 Street Rd.
United States
Shipping To:
This Person
123 Street Rd.
United States
This invoice is subject to our terms of use.
Shipping charges will apply to all billable items and any N/C items that cost $10
or more to ship.
If, for whatever reason, your order cannot be processed, then one of our customer
services representatives will contact you shortly.
Once again, thank you for your order.
Also - below is the "Awaiting Payment" email that is sent out to clients when they place an order - I do not need to remove anything from this email that is generated, but I do need to make additions they are in red:
You recently placed an order with Ohio Utilities Protection Service.
Your order number is (1298)
Shipping charges will apply to all billable items and any N/C items that cost $10 or more to ship.
Invoices will be processed monthly for billable orders. The invoice will include the cost of the items and
the shipping charges.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to pay via a specific method, or would like to cancel your order, please
contact us at, or simply reply to this message.
You can check the status of your order at any time by logging in to our site and clicking the Order History
Once again, thank you for your order.
Can you provide me with some assistance to where these emails are held? Am I in the right place, just overlooking something? Or is there another section I should be looking in? Your help is greatly appreciated. I am glad I seen how to edit the other local resources as there may be things my client might want to change, but the emails above are what I need to change currecntly and I am having difficluty trying to locate where the data is stored for these.
Thanks for your help and continued support.