when rebuilding the solution I got these error message:
ApplicationBlocks does not exist in the class or namespace Microsoft in SqlDataProvider.cs, line 24
\Store\Cart\PaymentControlBase.cs(260): 'DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.SendNotification(string, string, string, string, string)' is obsolete: 'This function has been replaced by DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail'
Error: The dependency 'CountryListBox, Version=1.0.2322.28761, Culture=neutral' in project 'BuildSupport' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency 'CountryListBox, Version=1.0.2328.32245, Culture=neutral'.
I'm a newbie so I'm not sure about these errors, anyone can explain and correct these error messages for me?
Thanks alot.