Need a small help on adding products to store module. Need small configuration guidance:
We want to define a new role in our portal as "Data Entry" and for the users registered under this security rolewe want to create a page where they can only add products to Store as "archived" and once the administrator reviews the product he will "Unarchive" the newly entered product.
We have most of the stuff figured out except for two problems for which we could not figure out the solution yet:
1) How to create a page that will display only the "Add Products" store page and not the other "Store Admin" pages for a particular user. Currently the only way to add products is to login as admin user. How do we overcome this restriction.
2) How to have the page created in step (1) have the "Archived" flag set to "true" by default and also make this flag "non editable".
Once the user enters the data, we have rest of the stuff figured out.
Appreciate any and every help on above two problems.
I thank you much in advance.