Here is my Idea for a great way to sort items in the store:
On "Store Administrator" menu (page) create (code) in a new area to select the "Sort Type" for the store, just like how you have an option to "use portal templates" or not.
So the "store Administrator" menu (page) may look like this:::::
portal templates: [X]
Store Sort Type: directions or help text:-->You may use no sort (product name default), Global Sort (based on Global Sort Order number you supply for each product) or a category sort based on Product Name, manufacturer, Model Name, Model Number.
Select this "Global Sort" option to sort all store items by the Sort Order [text box] on "each product". If not checked and a custom sort is not selected, the Product Name will be used for a default sort order.
Global Sort: [X]
If you do not want to use the Global Sort but instead sort by selected categories, number the sort order for the categories below:
Example, this sorts by Manufacturer, then by Model Name, then by Model Number
Manufacturer [1] Model Name[2] Model Number[3]
Example, this sorts by Manufacturer, then by Model Number and does not consider Model Name for sorting
Manufacturer [1] Model Name[ ] Model Number[2]
Example, this sorts by Model Number only.
Manufacturer [ ] Model Name[ ] Model Number[1]
Gilles,,,If this looks like a good idea, maybe even add Ascending A(O) and descending D(O) options for each sort like this::
Global Sort: [X] Ascending (O) Descending (O) button, single select only (like male female)
Manufacturer[1] A(O) D(O) Model Name[2] A(O) D(O) Model Number[3] A(O) D(O)
Hope all this makes sense.