I'm running into a pretty serious issue with both 1.0 and 2.0 Store Modules.
In 1.0, I could not edit a saved address, it posted back to the Cart Page but the control would revert back to the cart, not the profile.
In 2.0, it appears that it does not make use of saved addresses, so when clicking checkout, it shows the address list, but after changing the Country, the page posts back and loses the control again.
User views cart @ /MyBasket/tabid/60/Default.aspx
Clicks Checkout
Redirected to /MyBasket/tabid/60/ctl/Checkout/mid/396/Default.aspx
Changes Billing Country
Redirected to /MyBasket/tabid/60/Default.aspx
Thus, putting them in an endless loop and not allowing them to place an order.
I'm sure this is a setting I have somewhere, but what I do have/have checked:
1) ASP.NET state service, is running
2) Everything else on the site seems to be functioning fine
Please submit any suggestions as soon as possible as this is a critical issue. (the site has already gone live!)