About NavXp
NavXp is a powerful module that takes navigation experience to the next level. The logic layer allows easily building your own hierarchy and control WHAT is displayed. Rendering is made with a powerful XSLT engine + you get over 100 prebuilt themes.
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What's new in NavXp 1.5
NavXp 1.5 comes with o whole new concept of management UI, an IDE like solution based on jQuery Layout plugin.
Read Full ChangeLog for more info.

Real power of NavXp comes with the ability to create Profiles and associate them with any number of instances (Modules or Skin Objects). A profile allows defining custom tab hierarchy using simple drag&drop operations, rendering logic, permissions, changing caption and alt text, setting icons, and much more. Also, it allows syncing Dnn hierarchy entirely or per item - so one item can be in sync with dnn (including all child tabs), while other items represents different tabs or custom items.
NavXp Features
- Language Localization - With NavXp localization of menus is made easy. All you need to do is create a profile and specify transalations for each item.
- SEO - All skins in NavXp follow strict SEO rules. All items are served through standard links and there is no AJAX happening on the menus, making it fully indexable by search engines.
- fully skinnable - Skins in NavXp are designed in XSL. Rendering is made with an XSL transformation on the server. This exposes full control to customize not only the appearance, but the layout as well.
- Arbitrary Items - NavXp allows defining custom items. This items can be used as containers (to group other items) or external links (optionally, a target window can be specified).
- Advanced Caching - NavXp implements custom cahcing mechanism that greatly improves performance. Cache time is set per profile.
- Synchronize with Dnn - NavXp offers several options to synchronize profile items with the Dnn tabs they have been created from. Option to sync an item title, a entire item hierarchy or the entire Dnn tab hierarchy.
- theme editor - Each skin in NavXp supports themeing. A rich theme editor allows creating new variations of existing skins by modifying fonts, borders, colors, images, etc.
- portable - NavXP implements IPortable which means you can import and export content out of NavXP modules. It also include advanced Export/Backup and Import/Restore tools.
- jQuery support - UI in NavXp is built with the help of popular jQuery library. This means rich effects for menus as well as an easy to use, fast and reliable administration while mainting compatibiliy between various browsers.
- browser compatibility - NavXp works on Firefox, IE6, IE7, Opera, Chrome, Safari
- integrated easy to use administration - Management functions of Navigation Experience are exposed by rich IDE like management screen. The solution is based on jQuery and Layout plugin, and heavily uses Ajax for fast administration.
- profile based configuration - NavXp instances (skin objects or modules) are linked to configuration instances named profiles. This means you can link one set of configuration options to multiple modules or skin objects on the same portal.
- default profile - Initially, modules use a default profile which shows all pages that are normally shown in default DNN navigation menu. This makes it extremely easy when you only need the UI part of NavXp
- role based navigation - A profile can target individual roles and users. You can link multiple profiles to the same instance that target different audience. This gives extended control over what different users see in terms of navigation.
- drag & drop navigation definition - Except security, each profile allows definition of a subset of pages to show in the order you prefer. Building your custom menu is as easy as dragging items from Portal Tabs tree into Profile Items tree.
- icon support - While building a custom navigation tree, you can specify additional options for each item, such as providing an icon. NavXp comes with a set of icons that can be used on licensed portals.
- title customization - Besides icons, you can specifiy a title for the item (that will be displayed instead of the DNN tab name making it possible to have the same page served under different names when the need arises) and an alternative descriptory text (that is displayed when the user moves the mouse over the link; also, specifying alternative texts contributes to SEO optimizations).
- documentation - The administration interface offers inline help resources on all aspects of management which should get you started fast. Appart from this, there are online manuals and tutorials presenting a deeper perspective on configuring, customizing and extending NavXp.
- run as skin object or module - You can configure NavXP to run either as a Skin Object delcared in site skin or as a module you add to the page just as any other DNN module.
- support - On the website you will find support in forums, feature requests, skin requests, manuals and tutorials.
- XHTML transitional - All skins and themes have been developed on xhtml transitional document type.
- custom development - We also offer services for implementing custom features in NavXp. Fees varies between $10 and $30 depending on work involved.
- free minor version updates - We offer free updates of minor version, for example from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
- lifetime free support* - We stand up for our products and will grant support for the entire lifetime of a version; as new versions reach the market, older versions will be marked as obsolete and support will end. Our policy warrants that there will be at least 1 year of support for each version.
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