I have just released this XFlex Text & Skin Resizer - will do an announcement on it shortly (finishing of some client projects so not had time to do much these last couple of weeks in communication with the dnn community at large)
It's been developed in conjunction with another developer (I have a few projects coming up where I've partnered with some other talented guys who will help support and grow some of my ideas)
You can purchase on snow in three different styles, or from my own site - which has extra containers in it. I have agonised over this skinobject and tried to get it right. And I've used it on quite a few sites successfully, and it's very easy to apply to your own skins. I had this written, because for the life of me, I had a battle working out the speerio stuff to work in anything but the skin provided. Speerio's was great in the beginning, but, I think it just wasn't developed further, whereas I've invested alot of time in making it work.
There are other development plans in the process once we get feedback on it from those who have already purchased it, which will be shared when it is prioritised.
Normally I wouldn't be doing any self promotion like this on the forum, but you have asked, and this is what I can suggest as an answer.
Nina Meiers