Hello everybody,
this is my first post, and I need help.
I've just installed a new web site using DNN last version and a standard template (2-col)
In the main page there is a HTML module, preset using "slides_container".
If i'm connected, I can see the conainer and the content. If you are a sigle visitor, not connected, tha frame is displayed, but not the content !
here is the html in the module :
<div id="container">
<div id="example">
<div id="slides">
<div class="slides_container">
<img width="746" height="300" alt="Slide 1" src="http://www.agilog.fr/Portals/0/Images/2018-01-03_19h08_44.png" usemap="#rade_img_map_1515003508115" style="border-style: solid;" /><a title="banner 2" href="#"><img width="746" height="300" alt="Slide 2" src="http://www.agilog.fr/Portals/0/Images/2018-01-03_19h35_26.png" /></a>
<a title="banner 3" href="#"><img width="746" height="300" alt="Slide 3" src="http://www.agilog.fr/Portals/0/Images/PETX6268_M%C3%A9tro_x50.jpg" /></a> </div>
<div class="pagination_wrap">
<a class="prev" href="#"> </a>
<a class="next" href="#"> </a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<br />
<map id="rade_img_map_1515003508115" name="rade_img_map_1515003508115">
<area shape="RECT" coords="242,103,244,105" href="http://" />
<area shape="RECT" coords="643,129,925,259" href="http://" /></map>
The container is set to visible to everybody as you can see in the settings ...
Check the screen shots pictures :