I hope someone can help!!
I was trying to find out how I can have the comments registered users post to my blog sent to me via email like blogger does so I can comment back.
I watched this video
In this video it shows that you have to click an option in the blog setup for having comments and trackbacks emailed to you. I did that.
I then signed in under another user name and posted comments. They did not come to my email id.
I changed the id for the blog owner and tried to comment again.
Comments are not being emailed to me.
Does some setting under host account need to be changed. I do not have access to host account, hence I may be missing a critical point.
Thank you.
Jennifer Kumar
PS in this forum If I press notification below then I am sent an email to tell me when I get the response. Is this available for the blog too so the blog commenters know when they get a response?