Hi Rob,
Many thanks for the reply! This has led me to be able to at least edit the content in the container and add a DIV, to which I can add the padding-right in the style. So, effectively I've got what I need now to be able to pad so thanks very much.
From your reply though, I'm trying to understand a little more about the CSS files that are in DNN and how I can make the changes there. I can't seem to find the documentation that I need. Basically, I have bought a new skin and I can see that there is a "default.css" file in the images directory for the skin after I have uploaded it to the appropriate Site folder. But, I can't see any way (either in the Host pages or the Admin pages) to actually edit/change the values that are in this CSS file.
Am I missing something here? If I use the Skin Designer in the Host->Skins panel, I can't seem to access the settings that I want to change, and using the Stylesheet editor under Admin->Site Settings only gives me a basic "CSS Styles for DotNetNuke" file that I can change, which I assume would be overriden by the CSS file supplied with the skin.
All a bit confusing, and the upshot is that at the moment, I'd need to add the DIV to each and every container as I can't seem to find where I should be applying the CSS change I need.
Again, thanks for the help and I hope that you (or indeed anyone else) can just help me to understand this a bit better (or at least point me in the direction of the documentation I clearly can't find) 
Regards, Sean
PS. I realise that this is probably now more appropriate to be in the Skinning forum, but I'm not sure if I can move the thread now...