FIRSTLY credit where it is due...For the most part the Install scripts work well and I am impressed.
As a result of install failures due to missing files in several cases of the module install zip files.
I would like to suggest that you please have the module install messages say how many module files where found and how many where installed. This would create less confusion (especially when none are actually present).
Also it would be a great step forward for those new to DNN and pros alike if the DNN install process where to validate the required directories/file structure on the server BEFORE the install takes place to make sure all files and directories are in place and they are the correct size (date cannot be tested due to FTP sometimes assigning its own dates). I am sure this would slow down the install procedure but a small price for ensuring that everyone is working without issues of missing files.
From my experience the install process "WORKS" with all sorts of files missing and leads to hours, days and weeks of furstration in finding what is missing or what went wrong cause something was missing.
While it might be easy to say "Just make sure you copy all the files"...This is not so easy with FTP to hosting sites as in general FTP is flakey and sucks. And many FTP programs are also bad at doing what should be as simple as using My Computer. It is also very tedious to manually verify this.
Obviously the directory/files list would have to be easilly modifiable in a text document for the managment of custom installs. Perhaps with file options of critical (0), warning (1) and non critical(2)
directory/files list file structure might be like this:
default.aspx, 2345789, 0
default.aspx.vb, 2345789, 0
directory1/file1.zip, 2345, 1, File need for blah blah reason. Install later using blah blah command.
directory2/file2.txt, 45789, 2
directory2/subdirectory1/file1.aspx, 55789, 0
install/modules/module.zip, 232345, 1, Missing module.zip file - no "module name " module will be installed if you continue. This can be added manually later if required.
I am sure you can extrapolate the resulting install script messages. ![](http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Portals/25/ForumSmiley/smile.gif)
Should this be implemented in-line rather than prior to install, any critical failure should rollback the database and file system of any changes made.
I personally would help with this but although I am a programmer I am new to DNN and ASP.NET so of little help right now.
Thanks, Rod.