I've been posting a few times about my experience working with the Store module. In case you haven't read my previous posts, I've used Store to put a new ecommerce site into production.
Today, I've created a demo site which contains a copy of my modified version of the Store.
The purpose of this demo site is to show you what can be achieved with the Store module - if you put some hard work in you can achieve good results.
The URL of the demo is:
http://www.emerald-solutions.co.uk/demostoreYou can login as a store administrator with the following credentials:
Username: emerald
Password: emerald
(Note that the demo resets automatically every 24 hours)
Features to note (in addition to all basic Store functionallity) are:
* Support for unlimited sub categories
* Cascading categories (if your product is listed in a child category, then it also appears in the parent). Eg "Scary Movie 4" is a is the "Movie Comedy" category, but is also displayed in "Comedy" and "DVDs".
* Full PayPal support - including passing full cart contents on to paypal.
* Suport for special offer prices and special offer dates.
* Optional surcharges for PayPal.
* Optional Tax.
* Fully integrated shipping charges, based on the weight of the basket.
* Support for order statuses (such as cancelled, awaiting payment, dispatched, etc).
* Automatic email to customer when status is changed.
* When status is changed to Awaiting Payment, a pay pal link appears in customer's account and they recieve an email asking to pay. When clicking this link, full basket contents are once again transferred.
* Expanded order maintenance tab (search by customer, order number or status).
* Clickable product images
* You move to the basket page when you add an item to your basket.
Let me knoww what you think (and if you find any bugs!), I'm always open to making further improvements.