We've been quiet but busy! The last couple of releases starting from version 11 to 13 is part of our long term plan to redevelop the Storefront using modern Web technologies like Razor, Javascript framework and Bootstrap. This is a huge technology shift and a lot of planning has taken place. We knew this was going to be a long term development and will likely continue for the next few more releases. By now, we feel the new technology is stable and really awesome, so we decided it's time to discuss about all the improvements that have come a long way since version 11.
Razor, Bootstrap, Javascript, REST API
In the past, it was absolutely clunky and difficult for designers to make changes to the display templates due to the nature of ASP.NET web forms. Not to mention, the web forms technology felt slow. The DNN standards for CSS became obsolete falling behind modern cool designs that needed a more extensive standard like Bootstrap. So we undertook a huge challenge to convert almost every display template to use modern Razor, Bootstrap and Javascript framework with REST API to communicate actions back to the server. It is now so much easier to make really cool designs that is modern and fast! We're not finished yet and more improvements are planned ahead.
More payment choices means lower transaction fees
We have added many more payment gateways like FTNI, Total Apps, Sage Payments, Mollie, Payment Express and Corduro. We also added ACH (eCheck) support for FTNI and allows us to build support for other gateways that support ACH in the future. Stripe payments also received improvements by performing the tokenization process on the client side significantly reducing your PCI responsibility.
Geo IP Lookup
Revindex Storefront now supports geo IP lookup from MaxMind. This allows you to target rules based on anonymous user location. For example, you can restrict products by country or region by looking up the country from the user's IP address.
Import/Export Improvements
The latest Storefront has improved support for import/export making it significantly easier to update only the columns you need. No more specifying every column and value when you only need to change the names of products. You can also provide default values and map the system column names to the names in your CSV file.
Sage MAS Integration
The Storefront can now sync orders and product inventory with Sage MAS allowing your business to operate efficiently and seamlessly between your e-commerce world and corporate accounting. This feature is sold separately and customized to each Sage MAS installation.
Image Swatch
You can now allow users to select variants based on an image swatch. This is extremely useful for cases where a user can pick different textures such as clothing or jewelry.
DNNSharp MyTokens Integration
Many users needed more power than what custom rules provide already. We now support MyTokens integration into various places of product descriptions and action rules allowing you to dynamically extract and inject values from other parts of your system into the Storefront.
Much, Much, More...
There are so many more new enhancements and fixes that we cannot possibly cover here. Check out the list of features, fixes and security enhancements in our Release notes here.
Test drive our Free Hosted Trial (no installation needed) or download our Free Trial software to run on your site. Check out the online demo (the user/pwd is on the Login page). Revindex Storefront is an EVOQ Preferred product, PCI compliant and Avalara certified for tax accuracy. Come visit Revindex.com and talk to us about your next project!