Hi, My upgraded DNN (test) version (8.0.4) is having an issue I haven't yet found the solution for. When using the admin tools (Add New Page, Page
Settings, etc...), some of the important control dropdowns don't work.
For instance, in Pages >> Add New Page, the dropdowns for setting the
Parent Page, Template Folder, Copy From Page, Filter By Group, and
Output Cache Provider, do not work. When I try to select an item in the dropdown menu (a Parent Page, for example) , the icon just spins and spins and never finishes. Here is a link to a screenshot , in case this isn't clear: http://www.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/Portals/0/DNN_admin_dropdown_problem.jpg This occurs in some (not all) other dropdowns in the Admin tools (Page Settings >> Filter By Group and others). I asked this question on the Upgrading forum as well ( http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/200/threadid/534858/scope/posts ) but haven't gotten it fixed yet. I was told that it might have to do with the version of the Telerik Library, but haven't found out which version I need or how to install it. Or, maybe this is a javascript / jquery version issue? This is crucial for me as I would like to upgrade our live site, but cannot do so if users are unable to use the admin tools properly. Please let me know if y ou can help resolve this problem. Thanks in advance Tom |