It's because you have not restored correctly the original Store! I tried with a fresh install of the Store module 3.0 and just modified the Store_Products_UpdateProduct sp and it works! When I enter 8.00 as the Purchase Price and 2.5 as Product Weight the Price become 20.00.
1) Restore the Store module as the original and verify than you can update a product without error!
2) Login to your website as host and go to Host > SQL
3) Copy and paste the following code in the text box, check 'Run As Script' and click on 'Execute'
/************************ NEW Store_Products_UpdateProduct sp ***********************/
ALTER PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Store_Products_UpdateProduct
@ProductID int,
@CategoryID int,
@Manufacturer nvarchar(50),
@ModelNumber nvarchar(50),
@ModelName nvarchar(50),
@SEOName nvarchar(50),
@ProductImage nvarchar(500),
@UnitCost money,
@Keywords nvarchar(1000),
@Summary nvarchar(1000),
@Description ntext,
@Featured bit,
@Archived bit,
@Weight decimal(10,2),
@Height decimal(10,2),
@Length decimal(10,2),
@Width decimal(10,2),
@SaleStartDate datetime = null,
@SaleEndDate datetime = null,
@SalePrice money = null,
@StockQuantity int,
@LowThreshold int,
@HighThreshold int,
@DeliveryTime int,
@PurchasePrice money,
@RoleID int,
@Virtual bit,
@VirtualFileID int,
@AllowedDownloads int
UPDATE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Store_Products SET
CategoryID = @CategoryID,
Manufacturer = @Manufacturer,
ModelNumber = @ModelNumber,
ModelName = @ModelName,
SEOName = @SEOName,
ProductImage = @ProductImage,
UnitCost = CAST((@PurchasePrice * @Weight) AS MONEY),
Keywords = @Keywords,
Summary = @Summary,
[Description] = @Description,
Featured = @Featured,
Archived = @Archived,
ProductWeight = @Weight,
ProductHeight = @Height,
ProductLength = @Length,
ProductWidth = @Width,
SaleStartDate = @SaleStartDate,
SaleEndDate = @SaleEndDate,
SalePrice = @SalePrice,
StockQuantity = @StockQuantity,
LowThreshold = @LowThreshold,
HighThreshold = @HighThreshold,
DeliveryTime = @DeliveryTime,
PurchasePrice = @PurchasePrice,
RoleID = @RoleID,
Virtual = @Virtual,
VirtualFileID = @VirtualFileID,
AllowedDownloads = @AllowedDownloads
ProductID = @ProductID