Since I am new to DNN, I'm posting this here because I don't know if it falls under modules, features, or what. Otherwise, I would post it in a more appropriate forum.
Anyway, I have a customer that has their site that was built on DNN. On the credit card page when you are checking out, the radio button list of credit cards is duplicated. I.E. it displays: Visa Mastercard Amex Diners Discover Visa Mastercard Amex Diners Discover. Why would it do this?

In the case of the Visa buttons, the HTML is as follows:
<input type="radio" onclick=" setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'dnn$ctr884$ShoppingCart$rbCardType$0\',\'\')', 0)" value="VISA" name="dnn$ctr884$ShoppingCart$rbCardType" id="dnn_ctr884_ShoppingCart_rbCardType_0">
<input type="radio" onclick=" setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'dnn$ctr884$ShoppingCart$rbCardType$5\',\'\')', 0)" value="VISA" name="dnn$ctr884$ShoppingCart$rbCardType" id="dnn_ctr884_ShoppingCart_rbCardType_5">