I’m trying to add a Header Items to the parts listing - see the link http://team.synergyresources.net/flem...
I’ve arrived here by editing the Container & Product Details Template
Container Template
<div class="StoreListContainer">
<div class="StoreListContainer-Title">[LISTTITLE]</div>
<div class="StoreListContainer-Breadcrumb"><p>[CATEGORIESBREADCRUMB]</p></div>
<div class="StoreListContainer-SortBy"><p>[SELECTEDCATEGORY] - [ITEMSCOUNT] - [SORTBY]</p></div>
<div class="StoreListContainer-Content">[PRODUCTS]</div>
<div class="StoreListContainer-Navigation"><p>[PAGEINFO]</p><p>[PAGENAV]</p></div>
List Template
<td align =left>[MODELNUMBER]</td><td align =left>[MODELNAME]</td><td >[DELIVERYTIME]</td><td align =right>[PRICE]</td><td>[ADDQUANTITY]</td><td>[ADDTOCARTIMG]</td>
My thoughts were to add a Table to the [PRODUCTS] Container section, and use the List Template as the rows. My goal is to have an alternating color Grid View of the Product Listing
Thank you for your help – Paul