I just noticed in the Make It Hot forum that when the forums module threw an error after submit it went ahead and saved the post to the database. Of course I had no way of knowing that so now I look like a dweeb for double posting.
@Sebastian - Thanks for the reply. I always use the remember me feature but haven't found that using browser back button works that often. Sometimes it does but lately your post is blank when you go back. I just have to remember, when using DNN forums, to copy every post before I submit. Hopefully when the new forums module comes out of the release process in six months (sic) all the DNN.com forum problems will go away. I especially hope this is the case for Chris's sake as he has put a lot of work into the module and it can't be fun to hear people bitching about it all the time.
I didn't really want to start another negitive thread as I want to be a DNN cheerleader, I want to be positive, and I want to be excited about new features etc. And most all of my DNN peeves have to do with the DNN.com site and general organization rather than the overall product. It just seems that while DNN Corp may not be intentionally trying to make it difficult for me to be a DNN cheerleader they aren't going out of their way to make me one either. And as I've said before I think this impression comes mostly from the lack of communications - something that the Corp acknowledged as being a problem many weeks ago. i.e. In a post four or five weeks ago Shaun said he would have an explanation of the differences between PE and CE done by the end of that week. I understand that issues arise and you run out of time to make deadlines/promises but just a short one or two sentence post explaining that "we're still working on it" would let community members know it hasn't been forgotten. Potential DNN cheerleaders want to know there is someone at the helm, and they don't want to feel like the project is just running willy nilly on auto pilot. (willy nilly - I think that is the first time I've ever used that phrase but it kind of fit in this situation -
I think a very easy solution to the communications problem might be to do what Kelly Ford did - he created a DNNDEV.com twitter account and then put an RSS feed of that account on the main forums page of his site. Problem solved - although you would have to remember to spend two minutes per day to make a twitter post. Heck, two minutes per week would even be an improvement. And while I know that there is a DNN law against any new forum folders a forum folder for DNN news where only DNN Corp members could post would also be a good solution. Community members could copy and paste into a Chat About It thread if they want to comment on any of the threads in the News forum.
Just some thoughts and you can bet your backside that I copied this post before clicking the Submit button!!!