I recently upgraded from DNN 4.7 to 4.9. I was earlier setting up the DNN store on 4.7.
I noticed that when the store catalog was added the links aboe the selected category which showed other sub categories would point to a wrong page ( i.e Home Page )
Clicking on these links would force you to the home page instead of showing products of the selected subcategory.
Also if a selected category has many products the catalog automatically creates page links like << 1 ,2,3, 4 >>.
However if you click on any of these links instead of going to the next page it is getting redirected to the homepage.
I have placed the Store Menu on the Home Page as well as a separate products page which hosts the store catalog.
Clicking on any links of the Store Menu properly redirects to the selected category\subcategory page of the catalog.
I dont know what the problem is. If one looks at the link href it is ponting to tabid/36/ which is actually the tabid of the home page.
and not of the products page.
Can some one throw light on this. I need a solution to this URGENTLY.
I wish the module leaders look at this matter personally.