Renato Morell wrote
Hi everyone
The problem is that the events won't be selected by the stored procedure.
This bug in the stored procedure also causes the problem in week view (not displaying events on last day of week)!
To resolve this you can easily replace this stored procedure. Copy the whole SQL-Script which will first delete and then readd the stored procedure.
- Log in to dnn as host and select "SQL" in the host menu
- Copy and paste the following SQL Script in the textarea
- Activate "Run as script" and click on execute
To restore the script just execute the original SQL File "03.03.08.SqlDataProvider"!
What I did:
I just edited the stored procedure "EventsGetByRange" by replacing "@EndDate" with "DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate)" in the WHERE clause (6 times). Added one day and the events will be selected and shown.
I hope this helps until the release of 3.3.9.!
************************ modified SQL Script (start copy next line) *****
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}EventsGetByRange]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}EventsGetByRange]
***************** end SQL Script ************************************************************
I played with this until 5am this morning. Work is really sucking about
The fix didnt work for me.
I did get as far as being able to click a day and show the events after hacking the sqlprovider files, but an event that spanned more than one day would move around date-wise. Like.. if it was 2/1 to 2/5, click 2/1, all good. click 2/2 and the new dates are 2/2-2/6. Click 2/3 and get the event date reported as 2/3-2/7. It appears to take the date clicked and use it as some starting or additive deal, adding how many days into the span to both the beginning and end event dates. Whats wierd is if you change it to a list or other view, the event date is correct.
This makes little timmy a little bit crazy.