I looked everywhere, I think, for a setting to move the address section above the captcha code, but I couldn't find it. I think the blank entries that we can't modify at the top of the user settings have these data hard-coded and won't let me change them, but I haven't a clue. ;)
Any way to put the captcha at the bottom, so when users type in the code, then complete the address information (which is below the code box), the page doesn't reload after selection the country (it's pulling in the state data when US is selected) is selected?
Also, though I run the risk of sounding a bit too nationalistic, is there any way to have the United States set as the default, or at the top of the list?
Lastly, if I create a custom login page, do I just change the login redirect to the new page? I keep reading about the duplicate content SEO issues and it was suggested that I made a custom page, but I am not sure I understand how this removes duplicate content...any insight would be great!