DNN Release Notes — 2015 May 26
- Fixed race condition which could cause errors during file upload.
- Fixed issue where country profile property can cause registration to fail.
- Fixed issue where calendar control breaks in Arabic language.
- Fixed issue where Italian Language pack causes error on Host Settings.
- Fixed issue where Twitter Provider fails to create unique DNN login names.
- Fixed issue where creating a social group can fail in the "All Roles" mode.
- Fixed issue where custom url providers can't be disabled.
- Fixed issue where upgrades can fail if portalsettings has invalid values.
- Fixed issue where permissions can't be applied to a shared module.
- Fixed issue where url rewriting is broken for non-2 letter culture codes.
- Fixed performance issue where missing page doctype causes excessive file lookups.
- Fixed performance issue where testing for local URIs causes slow DNS lookups.
- Fixed issues where removing large number of unauthorized users would fail.
- Fixed issue where RazorHost did not follow standard Razor Engine behavior.
- Fixed issue where JavaScript library version number cannot hold full value for some libraries.
- Fixed issue where JavaScript libraries don't work in cached modules.
- Fixed issue where JavaScript library API doesn't immport full dependency tree.
- Fixed issue where 404 page was included in the sitemap.
- Fixed issue where en-us systemlocale was hardcoded in PortalSettings API.
- Fixed performance issue where some HttpModules were executed for static file requests.
- Fixed issue where user registration can fail with long passwords.
- Fixed issue where Country properties were returning numeric id rather than value.
- Fixed issue where browser language detection fails.
- Fixed issue where URLs are not exported correctly in page content.
- Fixed issue where switching languages removes the query string parameters.
- Added new Security Analyzer module.
- Fixed caching issues with multi-language portal settings.
- Security:
- Fixed account creation issue in install wizard (critical).
- Fixed request forgery issue in file upload component (low).
- Fixed information leakage issue for file existence (low).
- Fixed information leakage issue for installed version (low).
EVOQ 8.1.0
- All updates included with DNN Platform 7.4.1.
- Improved the overall experience for IE 9 users.
- Exposed page analytics in mobile view.
- Added a new content analytics engine that allows page and site traffic to be tracked and reviewed.
- Turned the dashboard's navigation summary page names into links that load the page analytics of those pages (so you no longer need to navigate to a page to view its analytics).
- Enhanced the usability of the Recycle Bin (in the Persona Bar), also made it a submenu item under Manage.
- Moved the template section to a submenu item under Manage and updated the creation UI to be more consistent with the rest of the product.
- Refined the create page experience and enabled page publish scheduling.
- Updated Content Layout to handle responsive design and content properly.
- All updates included with Evoq Content Basic 8.1.0.
- Added new Publisher content authoring module that ties into advanced workflow and provides an authoring experience similar to creating and editing page content.
- Added Disqus connector that is tightly integrated with the new Publisher module.
- Enhanced it so Content Managers/editors cannot create personalized versions of pages that shouldn't be personalized (template pages, user profile pages, etc.).
- Added validation to UI when combining various rules for personalized pages to avoid the creation of a personalized page that could never be accessed.
- Refined how unpublished deleted personalized pages are handled, they are immediately removed (hard deleted, along with any modules on the page) and NOT available in the recycle bin.
- All updates included with Evoq Content 8.1.0.
- Added Zendesk connector and module that allows end users to create, comment on and view Zendesk tickets from within your Engage website.
- Added ability to sort by date created in list views of Answers and Ideas.
- Added totals to all line charts in Dashboard reports.
- Enhanced page analytics to handle all user generated content, so it is now tracked as an independent URL.
- Updated how votes on questions/answers are added/removed with relation to gaming mechanics to avoid users abusing the system.
- Added more scoring actions to track and reward various profile update activity.
- Changed in-context analytics to show page traffic analytics instead of community health indicators (these are still accessible via the dashboard).
- Made default visibility of Activity Stream entries to group members only, when in group mode.
- Enhanced social connectors to return more insightful messaging when connections fail.
- Stopped pushing updates to the journal when groups are updated, so you no longer see these in the Activity Stream (any previous entries are still available, in upgrades).