





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

Problem Solved: Google Chrome v29

Last week we spent some time tracking down the cause of incidents reported at regarding folks inability to login (read here). After narrowing the problem down to a recent Google Chrome update (to version 29.0.1547.57 m), it soon became apparent this was a browser detection issue… which led us to our partners at 51 Degrees.

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Aug 28
By: Scott Willhite

Updated - The other cloud: Getting started with DotNetNuke using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

As written in February, DNN Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be a powerful combination. These days I updated the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to DNN Platform 07.01.01 (ami-cd6a27a4).  So feel free to try DNN Platform on AWS. Continue Reading »
Aug 28
By: Benjamin Hermann

How DNN Changed My Life - (part 2)

Searching for DNNDOX, the Courtship and the Company’s Culture

After moving on from the Social Services web agency, I was consulting for a few years at some rather interesting companies, with even more interesting people. I worked for Williams-Sonoma, The New York Times and the Food& Wine Magazine in a re-design and re-launch of each of their “Wine Club” websites. They were migrating all three web e-commerce sites to use MS Dynamics to administer the sites and their e-commerce presences. During the initial meetings to discuss client needs, their wish lists, site functionality and UI/UX, I had asked our management team and tech agency who would be doing the work why they weren’t going to be using something like DNN to build the sites, as it made more sense to me to not be forced to use different pieces of software to make one simple change on the site. Continue Reading »
Aug 26
By: Michael Doxsey

Blog Module Reborn

I’m happy to announce a new release of the one and only “official” DNN Blog module. And it’s not just some new tweaks here, some bugfixes there. It’s a complete rewrite of this module. I know. That sounds crazy. And it is. But there were some good reasons to do this. In this blog post I’ll elaborate on those reasons and some of the highlights of the new module. Continue Reading »
Aug 26
By: Peter Donker

How DNN Changed My Life - (part 1)

Pre-DNN Kid — From Graphic Designer to Webmaster

Before I started working with the web, I was fortunate enough to decide at the perfect time to go into graphic design, advertising and marketing, during the first technology bubble in 1998. In those infamous years, San Francisco was buzzing with new ideas, new techniques, international clients and the promise of a new way of selling online – something called “E-Commerce”... Continue Reading »
Aug 23
By: Michael Doxsey

The Problem with Google Chrome v29

It appears that the latest update to Google Chrome (Version 29.0.1547.57 m) doesn’t work / play well with some .Net websites. At first, we started investigating this as a potential DNN issue, but we soon found the problem was not limited to DNN...

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Aug 22
By: Scott Willhite

Getting SignalR to work with Advanced URLs in DNN 7.1

In a previous blog post I talked about how to use SignalR with your DotNetNuke modules, well, if you are using DNN 7.1 and the "Advanced" URLFormat option (upgrades won't use this by default, new installs will) then the SignalR/Hubs route will no longer work, DNN will return a 404 for that path.

What you need to do is "override" the URL settings in DNN. In the DNN Platform, you have to do this manually, via the database, I believe the EVOQ ($paid$) versions have a UI for this, but for those of us who focus specifically on the open source platform, you need to make manually update database entries to customize the URL handling in 7.1+.

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Jul 27
By: Chris Hammond

Enterprise Extension Development with DNN Part Two

A few weeks ago I set the stage for this series of posts with my Enterprise Extension Development with DotNetNuke Part One post.  This article, the next in the series, ended up getting delayed a bit.  As many of you know there has been a lot changing within the DotNetNuke world, as all of this unfolded my priorities were pulled from these posts to other areas of concern.  Now, I'm back on these posts and want to make sure to dive into this in detail.  In the first post of the series I covered the high-level details.  The reasoning behind this series, and the main goals that I hope to accomplish by putting this information out there.  This post is dedicated to the development environment, and development structure for our projects.  Continue Reading »
Jul 25
By: Mitchel Sellers

Retrieving the list of 404 URLs from a DNN site

The 7.1 release of the DNN Platform has introduced greatly-improved 404 handling, which appears to have been well received by the DNN Community in general.   I have already posted about the new 404 Page Not Found handling in DNN, but someth... Continue Reading »
Jul 22
By: Bruce Chapman

DNN: The Metamorphosis Continues...

 In December of 2012 we celebrated A Decade Of DotNetNuke - quite an accomplishment for an open source project which began its life as a personal educational exploration into the .NET platform. To memorialize our anniversary we published an info... Continue Reading »
Jul 09
By: Shaun Walker
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