





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

DNN on Google Cloud

As fresh as paint - DNN powered by Google - on the same infrastructure that returns billions of search results in milliseconds, serves 6 billion hours of YouTube videos per month and provides storage for more than 425 million Gmail users.  Continue Reading »
Jun 11
By: Benjamin Hermann

DNN Platform 7.3 Released!

I am very excited to announce that the latest version of DNN was officially released today. This is a major release focused primarily on platform performance and stability. With almost 450 issues closed in this iteration, this release represents a su... Continue Reading »
Jun 11
By: Shaun Walker

Responsive/Mobile Web Solutions with DNN - #4 Breakpoints

Let's get strategic - and break some points. Not share-points but breakpoints :).

To understand the challenge: we're creating a website and want it to be responsive. One of the aspect of a responsive site is that it responds to the screen size - presenting the content as best as possible at every possible screen size - and there are thousands of screen sizes - multiplied by browser types and you'll get a lot of test scenarios - too many, to be exact. So we need a strategy...

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May 24
By: Daniel Mettler

The DNN Connect Association

I’m thrilled to announce the birth of an association dedicated to the DNN Platform: DNN-Connect. You may already have heard of our website. We’re now taking things to a new level with the creation of an association. Why an association, you ask? Allow... Continue Reading »
May 22
By: Peter Donker

Spammer registrations

For the past while we're had a number of reports of unexpected user registration on DNN sites. In some cases these sites still had public registration enabled but had no expectation of new members, suggesting something odd was going on. Further inves... Continue Reading »
May 21
By: cathal connolly

DNN Module Development

LEGO bricks are one of the most successful toys ever created. A big part of this success is due to the flexibility of the LEGOs which can be combined in a myriad of ways to build whatever creations you can imagine. Whether it is a little house or a f... Continue Reading »
May 19
By: Joe Brinkman

Spring 2014 DNN★MVP's

It is time once again to recognize our DNN★MVP's; those exceptional DNN community contributors whose participation and enthusiasm help make our ecosystem such a passionate and collaborative environment.  The DNN★MVP award is an annu... Continue Reading »
May 18
By: Shaun Walker

My DNN "ACK!" Story (Part 1)

Peter Donker has inspired me to write... again, so I thought I would pen a chronology of some of my ack (ah-HA!) moments and perhaps inspire some of you, dear readers, to do the same :) Continue Reading »
May 07
By: Gifford Watkins

ASP.NET File Change Notifications and DNN

Recently we decided to upgrade a few servers that were part of our web infrastructure. The old servers were originally purchased in 2009 and had been used extensively for various production web properties, and after years of service packs the system ... Continue Reading »
Apr 30
By: Shaun Walker

Awesome Pull Request received? Merge it in!

So, you’re a developer or coordinator on a codeplex project. And while you where working on some brilliant new feature, another developer tumbled over a minor glitch in your code. Since he read my previous post on how to contribute to a codeple... Continue Reading »
Apr 29
By: Stefan Kamphuis
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Aderson Oliveira (22)
Alec Whittington (11)
Alessandra Daniels (3)
Alex Shirley (10)
Andrew Hoefling (3)
Andrew Nurse (30)
Andy Tryba (1)
Anthony Glenwright (5)
Antonio Chagoury (28)
Ash Prasad (37)
Ben Schmidt (1)
Benjamin Hermann (25)
Benoit Sarton (9)
Beth Firebaugh (12)
Bill Walker (36)
Bob Kruger (5)
Bogdan Litescu (1)
Brian Dukes (2)
Brice Snow (1)
Bruce Chapman (20)
Bryan Andrews (1)
cathal connolly (55)
Charles Nurse (163)
Chris Hammond (213)
Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
Daniel Valadas (48)
Dave Buckner (2)
David Poindexter (12)
David Rodriguez (3)
Dennis Shiao (1)
Doug Howell (11)
Erik van Ballegoij (30)
Ernst Peter Tamminga (80)
Francisco Perez Andres (17)
Geoff Barlow (12)
George Alatrash (12)
Gifford Watkins (3)
Gilles Le Pigocher (3)
Ian Robinson (7)
Israel Martinez (17)
Jan Blomquist (2)
Jan Jonas (3)
Jaspreet Bhatia (1)
Jenni Merrifield (6)
Joe Brinkman (274)
John Mitchell (1)
Jon Henning (14)
Jonathan Sheely (4)
Jordan Coopersmith (1)
Joseph Craig (2)
Kan Ma (1)
Keivan Beigi (3)
Kelly Ford (4)
Ken Grierson (10)
Kevin Schreiner (6)
Leigh Pointer (31)
Lorraine Young (60)
Malik Khan (1)
Matt Rutledge (2)
Matthias Schlomann (16)
Mauricio Márquez (5)
Michael Doxsey (7)
Michael Tobisch (3)
Michael Washington (202)
Miguel Gatmaytan (3)
Mike Horton (19)
Mitchel Sellers (40)
Nathan Rover (3)
Navin V Nagiah (14)
Néstor Sánchez (31)
Nik Kalyani (14)
Oliver Hine (1)
Patricio F. Salinas (1)
Patrick Ryan (1)
Peter Donker (54)
Philip Beadle (135)
Philipp Becker (4)
Richard Dumas (22)
Robert J Collins (5)
Roger Selwyn (8)
Ruben Lopez (1)
Ryan Martinez (1)
Sacha Trauwaen (1)
Salar Golestanian (4)
Sanjay Mehrotra (9)
Scott McCulloch (1)
Scott Schlesier (11)
Scott Wilkinson (3)
Scott Willhite (97)
Sebastian Leupold (80)
Shaun Walker (237)
Shawn Mehaffie (17)
Stefan Cullmann (12)
Stefan Kamphuis (12)
Steve Fabian (31)
Steven Fisher (1)
Tony Henrich (3)
Torsten Weggen (3)
Tycho de Waard (4)
Vicenç Masanas (27)
Vincent Nguyen (3)
Vitaly Kozadayev (6)
Will Morgenweck (40)
Will Strohl (180)
William Severance (5)
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