





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

DNN 7.4 Has Been Released

Today I am happy to announce that DNN 7.4 has been released. Over the last 12 years I have been involved with well over 100 releases and for me 7.4 is near the top of the list of releases that I am most proud of. I am proud of this release because of the way the community rallied around the platform. The community played a huge role in implementing fixes and features. The community continuously reviewed code check-ins and provided timely feedback and fixes where necessary. Even as we approached the release and started locking down the code, the community moved forward with work on fixes and enhancements for 7.4.1 and 7.5. As of today, we already have a backlog of 40+ pull requests which will give us a good head-start on our next release.

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Feb 04
By: Joe Brinkman

Community Heroes

If I were to ask you who your favorite super hero was, who would you choose? Would you pick the Man of Steel, your friendly neighborhood Spider Man, or maybe the Dark Knight? Might you choose a group of heroes like the Fantastic Four, the Avengers or the Justice League? Some of you might pick a real life sports hero like Michael Jordan, Joe Montana or Pelé. Or maybe you would pick a great leader like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa or Lech Wałęsa. All of these superheroes, both real and imagined are known for their amazing skills and their willingness to serve others.

One of the aspects of working on an Open Source project is that I am surrounded every day by people who exhibit these same traits. I think of the many nights and weekends that DNN community members spend working to build and improve the DNN platform that we all know and love. These community members bring their many unique talents to bear, solving programming problems both big and small. For me, as a programmer, these people are some of my heroes.

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Feb 04
By: Joe Brinkman

Vendor Interview: Will Morgenweck from DNN Corp.

Will Morgenweck - VP of Product Management for DNN CorpThis is an interview I have recorded with Will Morgenweck, the VP of Product Management for DNN Corp. He was the founder of Active Modules which was acquired by DNN Corp. back in 2011. Back then, he had created very popular social modules including Active Forums and Active Social. Continue Reading »
Feb 03
By: Aderson Oliveira

February Community Hangout

Each month Will Strohl and I talk about the latest happenings in the DNN community. This month we are focusing on the new DNN 7.4.0 Platform release which is set to be released on February 4th. Joining us this month will be special guests Brian Dukes and Francesco Rivola.

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Feb 02
By: Joe Brinkman

Vendor Interview: Ian Sampson from Glanton Solutions

Ian Sampson, the Technical Director and co-founder of Glanton SolutionsThis is an interview I have recorded with Ian Sampson, the Technical Director and co-founder of Glanton Solutions. They are well-known on the DNN space for their knowledge and expertise on Active Directory integration with DNN and they have created a bundle of products around that, which is already part of the Evoq Preferred Products list. Continue Reading »
Jan 31
By: Aderson Oliveira

Community Member Profile: Philipp Becker

With thousands of active Community members and new ones joining every day, we’d like to use the Community blog to allow DNN users to get to know each other better.  And as we approach the release of DNN Platform 7.4, who better to learn mo... Continue Reading »
Jan 29
By: Beth Firebaugh

Introducing DNN Platform 7.4

Over the last 6 months a quiet revolution has been occurring in the DNN Community. Last fall I asked the community to join me in charting a new course for how we build and maintain DNN Platform. Since that time community members have been joining in to help with the development and maintenance of the platform. They are also working to improve the content on the community site, creating original blogs and videos and otherwise just helping to educate and grow the community.

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Jan 28
By: Joe Brinkman

Using SQL Profiler with DNN

SQL Profiler is a great tool to find out the SQLs being executed by your application. It comes very handy in troubleshooting customer issues. Continue Reading »
Jan 27
By: Ash Prasad

Should the Content-Editor do this? #2 Module Settings

Whenever I see really features in a CMS I always ask myself: Is this something my customer is capable of using - without messing everything up? So I ask you: should the content-editor configure a carousel?

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Jan 27
By: Daniel Mettler

Should the Content Editor do this? #1 Image Work

Should a CMS have a feature because it can? I always ask myself: Is this something my customer is capable of using - without messing everything up? So I ask you: should the content-editor worry about images?

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Jan 26
By: Daniel Mettler
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Aderson Oliveira (22)
Alec Whittington (11)
Alessandra Daniels (3)
Alex Shirley (10)
Andrew Hoefling (3)
Andrew Nurse (30)
Andy Tryba (1)
Anthony Glenwright (5)
Antonio Chagoury (28)
Ash Prasad (37)
Ben Schmidt (1)
Benjamin Hermann (25)
Benoit Sarton (9)
Beth Firebaugh (12)
Bill Walker (36)
Bob Kruger (5)
Bogdan Litescu (1)
Brian Dukes (2)
Brice Snow (1)
Bruce Chapman (20)
Bryan Andrews (1)
cathal connolly (55)
Charles Nurse (163)
Chris Hammond (213)
Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
Daniel Valadas (48)
Dave Buckner (2)
David Poindexter (12)
David Rodriguez (3)
Dennis Shiao (1)
Doug Howell (11)
Erik van Ballegoij (30)
Ernst Peter Tamminga (80)
Francisco Perez Andres (17)
Geoff Barlow (12)
George Alatrash (12)
Gifford Watkins (3)
Gilles Le Pigocher (3)
Ian Robinson (7)
Israel Martinez (17)
Jan Blomquist (2)
Jan Jonas (3)
Jaspreet Bhatia (1)
Jenni Merrifield (6)
Joe Brinkman (274)
John Mitchell (1)
Jon Henning (14)
Jonathan Sheely (4)
Jordan Coopersmith (1)
Joseph Craig (2)
Kan Ma (1)
Keivan Beigi (3)
Kelly Ford (4)
Ken Grierson (10)
Kevin Schreiner (6)
Leigh Pointer (31)
Lorraine Young (60)
Malik Khan (1)
Matt Rutledge (2)
Matthias Schlomann (16)
Mauricio Márquez (5)
Michael Doxsey (7)
Michael Tobisch (3)
Michael Washington (202)
Miguel Gatmaytan (3)
Mike Horton (19)
Mitchel Sellers (40)
Nathan Rover (3)
Navin V Nagiah (14)
Néstor Sánchez (31)
Nik Kalyani (14)
Oliver Hine (1)
Patricio F. Salinas (1)
Patrick Ryan (1)
Peter Donker (54)
Philip Beadle (135)
Philipp Becker (4)
Richard Dumas (22)
Robert J Collins (5)
Roger Selwyn (8)
Ruben Lopez (1)
Ryan Martinez (1)
Sacha Trauwaen (1)
Salar Golestanian (4)
Sanjay Mehrotra (9)
Scott McCulloch (1)
Scott Schlesier (11)
Scott Wilkinson (3)
Scott Willhite (97)
Sebastian Leupold (80)
Shaun Walker (237)
Shawn Mehaffie (17)
Stefan Cullmann (12)
Stefan Kamphuis (12)
Steve Fabian (31)
Steven Fisher (1)
Tony Henrich (3)
Torsten Weggen (3)
Tycho de Waard (4)
Vicenç Masanas (27)
Vincent Nguyen (3)
Vitaly Kozadayev (6)
Will Morgenweck (40)
Will Strohl (180)
William Severance (5)
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