





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

A Break With The Past

main.ball-and-chainDNN 8 is a major leap forward for DNN.  There are many new features like MVC and SPA module development support, OAuth2 server support, a new HTML Editor, the Dynamic Content Creator and a new default skin and template.  In addition to all of these new features, we are also updating the DNN architecture.  We are working to enable the creation of custom DNN distributions, to improve platform performance and to get rid of some outdated portions of the platform that are holding us back.

As we have progressed on DNN 8 development, we have been faced with some tough choices.  Some of the architectural and performance improvements that are needed will require us to break backwards compatibility.  In speaking with many community members on these issues, we have consistently heard the same message – do what is right to move the platform forward.  In most cases these changes will have no impact on your use of DNN. We are spending a lot of effort to ensure that the core platform features continue to work properly even after these changes.  We are also working with the Evoq team to ensure that the Evoq Content and Evoq Engage products provide a smooth upgrade for our commercial customers.

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Sep 24
By: Joe Brinkman

Using Google Tag Manager with Dnn

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tool which allows a website owner to quickly integrate different script-based products into a website without needing to edit the underlying pages of the site.   While ‘tag’ in this context can be confusing to some, it m... Continue Reading »
Sep 22
By: Bruce Chapman

DNN Extension Development Templates for Visual Studio 2015

Just over a month ago now, Visual Studio 2015 was released into the wild, I started receiving requests to update my DNN development templates for VS2015 shortly before the release. I typically wait until after the release is RTM to work on templates, simply due to other time commitments and projects. With VS2015 however I was quickly able to get a new release of the Module/Theme development templates out for use.

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Sep 14
By: Chris Hammond

Creating a Powerful Custom Hotcakes Commerce Skin/Theme Object Using the Server-Side API - Part 1

Please raise your hand if you've ever wanted to display some dynamic Hotcakes Commerce data in a specific spot and in a specific way within your overall website design layout? And besides that, you really didn’t want to give administrators the option of changing its placement within site? Continue Reading »
Sep 10
By: David Poindexter

DNN Hangout - September 2015 - Miscellaneous DNN News and Goodies

We had planned to speak with Phillip Becker this month, but he had a personal emergency he had to tend to.  We’ll get that rescheduled for you soon…  Go figure – we got the technical issues solved, and we loose the speaker.  This left ... Continue Reading »
Sep 09
By: Will Strohl

What are DNX, DNVM, DNU and other ASP.NET 5 components?

In a previous post on the upcoming ASP.NET ‘vNext’ release, I covered all of the terminology around ‘Project K’ – which is what it was known as in early betas.   Things have moved along a lot since then, and wi... Continue Reading »
Sep 08
By: Bruce Chapman

Vendor Interview: Chris Wylie, CEO @ Accord LMS

Vendor Interview: Chris Wylie, CEO @ Accord LMSThis is an interview I have recorded with Chris Wylie, CEO at Accord LMS, an e-learning solution for DNN which has Evoq Preferred stamp of approval. The LMS space has been the primary focus of Chris and his organization since 2008. Continue Reading »
Sep 02
By: Aderson Oliveira

Baby Steps


The ideal way to move open source projects forward is by frequently issuing updated builds during the course of a release. The expectation is that community members install these builds, trial the new functionality, and report back on how things work and/or make fixes to the updated code. A successful beta program engages the user community in helping to improve the product by identifying issues early in the development cycle. Unfortunately, expectations don’t often match reality.

Today there is too much friction for users. It’s not that there haven’t been community members interested in the updated builds. Rather, they’ve been reluctant to reinstall the product each time a new build is made available. Upgrading a site can involve lengthy testing to ensure that custom modules continue to work properly and that the site skin didn’t break due to a CSS change in the platform. Fortunately, the requirement to reinstall the DNN Platform each time an interim build is released is now a thing of the past.

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Sep 01
By: Joe Brinkman

DNN 8.0.0 CTP 4

DNNReleaseOver the last month the DNN team has been hard at work on DNN 8.  DNN 8 is a big release with a lot of bug fixes, improvements and new features. Many of the DNN 8 changes involve improving the platform architecture to make it easier to maintain as well as providing greater control to users on what features get installed.  We are also working to make it easier to extend DNN in new and interesting ways.  In previous CTPs we introduced new module types, added additional security options for Web Services, started the process of separating admin functions into standalone modules, and introduced a brand new content management option. CTP 4 is focused on three main features: 1) OAuth server support 2) CKEditor as the default HTML Editor 3) Separation of admin modules.

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Aug 31
By: Joe Brinkman

DNN Hangout - August 2015 - Understanding the DNN Platform Source Code

Every now and again, we’ll throw in a special episode of DNN Hangout, where we talk about something that we believe will be extra beneficial to the community.  Sometimes this will have one or more special guests attached to it, sometimes it won’... Continue Reading »
Aug 27
By: Will Strohl
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Aderson Oliveira (22)
Alec Whittington (11)
Alessandra Daniels (3)
Alex Shirley (10)
Andrew Hoefling (3)
Andrew Nurse (30)
Andy Tryba (1)
Anthony Glenwright (5)
Antonio Chagoury (28)
Ash Prasad (37)
Ben Schmidt (1)
Benjamin Hermann (25)
Benoit Sarton (9)
Beth Firebaugh (12)
Bill Walker (36)
Bob Kruger (5)
Bogdan Litescu (1)
Brian Dukes (2)
Brice Snow (1)
Bruce Chapman (20)
Bryan Andrews (1)
cathal connolly (55)
Charles Nurse (163)
Chris Hammond (213)
Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
Daniel Valadas (48)
Dave Buckner (2)
David Poindexter (12)
David Rodriguez (3)
Dennis Shiao (1)
Doug Howell (11)
Erik van Ballegoij (30)
Ernst Peter Tamminga (80)
Francisco Perez Andres (17)
Geoff Barlow (12)
George Alatrash (12)
Gifford Watkins (3)
Gilles Le Pigocher (3)
Ian Robinson (7)
Israel Martinez (17)
Jan Blomquist (2)
Jan Jonas (3)
Jaspreet Bhatia (1)
Jenni Merrifield (6)
Joe Brinkman (274)
John Mitchell (1)
Jon Henning (14)
Jonathan Sheely (4)
Jordan Coopersmith (1)
Joseph Craig (2)
Kan Ma (1)
Keivan Beigi (3)
Kelly Ford (4)
Ken Grierson (10)
Kevin Schreiner (6)
Leigh Pointer (31)
Lorraine Young (60)
Malik Khan (1)
Matt Rutledge (2)
Matthias Schlomann (16)
Mauricio Márquez (5)
Michael Doxsey (7)
Michael Tobisch (3)
Michael Washington (202)
Miguel Gatmaytan (3)
Mike Horton (19)
Mitchel Sellers (40)
Nathan Rover (3)
Navin V Nagiah (14)
Néstor Sánchez (31)
Nik Kalyani (14)
Oliver Hine (1)
Patricio F. Salinas (1)
Patrick Ryan (1)
Peter Donker (54)
Philip Beadle (135)
Philipp Becker (4)
Richard Dumas (22)
Robert J Collins (5)
Roger Selwyn (8)
Ruben Lopez (1)
Ryan Martinez (1)
Sacha Trauwaen (1)
Salar Golestanian (4)
Sanjay Mehrotra (9)
Scott McCulloch (1)
Scott Schlesier (11)
Scott Wilkinson (3)
Scott Willhite (97)
Sebastian Leupold (80)
Shaun Walker (237)
Shawn Mehaffie (17)
Stefan Cullmann (12)
Stefan Kamphuis (12)
Steve Fabian (31)
Steven Fisher (1)
Tony Henrich (3)
Torsten Weggen (3)
Tycho de Waard (4)
Vicenç Masanas (27)
Vincent Nguyen (3)
Vitaly Kozadayev (6)
Will Morgenweck (40)
Will Strohl (180)
William Severance (5)
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