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DNN TAG Meeting 9-11-2018

The DNN Technology Ecosystem Advisory Group continues to meet on a weekly basis mapping out the future of DNN. The meeting agenda and minutes are shared here in blog entries so that everyone can see the progress being made and conversations occurring in the group.

This September 11th meeting saw discussion around the DNN 9.2.2 release candidate, communications with the community, security, and more!

Dnn Technology Advisory Group

Meeting Agenda

Date: September 11th 2018

Time: 3PM EST

Participants: Daniel Valadas, Stefan Kamphuis, Oliver Hine, Matt Rutledge, Robert Dima, John Cornelison, Clint Patterson, Ash Prasad, Tomasz Pluskewicz, Brian Dukes, JR Brooks, Mitchel Sellers, Daniel Mettler, David Poindexter, Peter Donker

  1. Review and adoption of agenda

  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting

  3. Finished business / Reports / Announcements

    1. VUC Recap
      Tentative meeting scheduled with Mitch and Andy to discuss collective feedback: Liquid Content, .Net Core, etc. This conference had a bit more attendees and 4xx registered.

  4. Unfinished business / Status updates

    1. Dnn 9.2.2 Update
      Oliver, need to merge 2 pull requests to release 9.2.2 RC1 (ETA monday?)
      Tomasz needs to check with QA
      Should be out next week if everything goes fine.

  5. New business

    1. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of progress….NOT meetings.
      Everybody spends a lot of time in meetings, we need to continue talking but not add too many meeting hours. We need more actions, we are burning today 15 developer hours from the people attending right now. We need to find ways to put developers into development and less meetings. We need to fix current development issues before pushing a lot of great ideas for future plans.
      One proposal was that each 6 weeks, focus on longer term plans.
      We should find a way to gauge people vacations roughly, to plan release cycles, code freeze dates, etc.

    2. Decide on a process for approving meeting minutes and publishing.
      After each meeting, Daniel Valadas will publish the link to the meeting minutes, people can comment directly on the document to correct any blue text that does not capture correctly the essence of what was said. Then on next meeting we just double check if people is ok with last meeting minutes and if so we publish it on the Dnn Community blog.

    3. Community webinars:
      Because we share parts with Evoq, do we want to showcase more what is done in community as a regular based event. All questions from attendees to the VUC will be answered by Ash, Mitch, Matt, etc. (ETA ?) Clint has webinar access and willing to host and promote webinars if needed. We could do this quarterly. We could collect a summary of accomplishments like in the Dnn Digest. Peter Donker volunteers to do this.

  6. Addendum / Open Forum

    1. React Components
      Matt Rutledge is working on updating dependencies and licenses. About 4 left to do, ETA ~ 1 to 3 weeks.
      Targeted to be included in Dnn 9.3 if testing goes fine.

    2. HTML Editor
      Do we want a new simpler and more modern editor, but we need to also consider customers who need all the features of the current one. It is a provider, so changing the default one would not prevent anyone from using the old one.

    3. Agenda for next meetings
      Daniel Mettler suggested having the agenda template for next meetings in advance so we can start planning discussion items as the week goes.

  7. Adjournment


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Aderson Oliveira (22)
Alec Whittington (11)
Alessandra Daniels (3)
Alex Shirley (10)
Andrew Hoefling (3)
Andrew Nurse (30)
Andy Tryba (1)
Anthony Glenwright (5)
Antonio Chagoury (28)
Ash Prasad (37)
Ben Schmidt (1)
Benjamin Hermann (25)
Benoit Sarton (9)
Beth Firebaugh (12)
Bill Walker (36)
Bob Kruger (5)
Bogdan Litescu (1)
Brian Dukes (2)
Brice Snow (1)
Bruce Chapman (20)
Bryan Andrews (1)
cathal connolly (55)
Charles Nurse (163)
Chris Hammond (213)
Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
Daniel Valadas (48)
Dave Buckner (2)
David Poindexter (12)
David Rodriguez (3)
Dennis Shiao (1)
Doug Howell (11)
Erik van Ballegoij (30)
Ernst Peter Tamminga (80)
Francisco Perez Andres (17)
Geoff Barlow (12)
George Alatrash (12)
Gifford Watkins (3)
Gilles Le Pigocher (3)
Ian Robinson (7)
Israel Martinez (17)
Jan Blomquist (2)
Jan Jonas (3)
Jaspreet Bhatia (1)
Jenni Merrifield (6)
Joe Brinkman (274)
John Mitchell (1)
Jon Henning (14)
Jonathan Sheely (4)
Jordan Coopersmith (1)
Joseph Craig (2)
Kan Ma (1)
Keivan Beigi (3)
Kelly Ford (4)
Ken Grierson (10)
Kevin Schreiner (6)
Leigh Pointer (31)
Lorraine Young (60)
Malik Khan (1)
Matt Rutledge (2)
Matthias Schlomann (16)
Mauricio Márquez (5)
Michael Doxsey (7)
Michael Tobisch (3)
Michael Washington (202)
Miguel Gatmaytan (3)
Mike Horton (19)
Mitchel Sellers (40)
Nathan Rover (3)
Navin V Nagiah (14)
Néstor Sánchez (31)
Nik Kalyani (14)
Oliver Hine (1)
Patricio F. Salinas (1)
Patrick Ryan (1)
Peter Donker (54)
Philip Beadle (135)
Philipp Becker (4)
Richard Dumas (22)
Robert J Collins (5)
Roger Selwyn (8)
Ruben Lopez (1)
Ryan Martinez (1)
Sacha Trauwaen (1)
Salar Golestanian (4)
Sanjay Mehrotra (9)
Scott McCulloch (1)
Scott Schlesier (11)
Scott Wilkinson (3)
Scott Willhite (97)
Sebastian Leupold (80)
Shaun Walker (237)
Shawn Mehaffie (17)
Stefan Cullmann (12)
Stefan Kamphuis (12)
Steve Fabian (31)
Steven Fisher (1)
Tony Henrich (3)
Torsten Weggen (3)
Tycho de Waard (4)
Vicenç Masanas (27)
Vincent Nguyen (3)
Vitaly Kozadayev (6)
Will Morgenweck (40)
Will Strohl (180)
William Severance (5)
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