2sxc 9.3 now supports item-level versioning and restore! Plus, we did a lot of internal refactoring, opening up a plethora of possibilities for future scenarios.
Item Level Versioning
Every time an item is saved, 2sxc will now copy the latest change to a history, allowing you to look at older versions and restore them if needed. Here's what you need to know:
Enabling Versioning
This happens automatically, you don't need to do anything at all. It's important to know that only changes made from now on will actually be in the version history - so the data as it is at the moment you upgrade it to 9.3 is actually not in the version history yet.
Browsing the Version History
The history of an item can be accessed using it's in-line toolbar. Just rotate to the second set and you'll find the clock-icon to access the history. This button is included by default, but if you have customized toolbars you may be missing it. Then just add the button item-history. Read more about it in the wiki about customizing your toolbars, incl. the list of all possible commands. This is what it looks like:

What is in the History
History-items are added every time a content-item (entity) is created / updated. The history contains the whole item incl. relationships to child-items. So a history-item of a blog-post also contains the references to tags used in that blog. Here you can see an example of a history, showing what fields changed in this version:

You can also expand larger fields to look more into the details by clicking on them:

Going Back in Time
To make a previous version current again, just click on Restore:

...this will restore the data of that version - as a new version in your history.
...Loads of Refactoring and Enhancements
Of course we didn't just do this. We also implemented a lot of internal enhancements and bug fixing, and we believe you'll love it.
Just want to try it? Download from the latest github releases.
Love from Switzerland,
iJungleboy and the 2sxc-team
PS: Thanks for the help of Sergiy, Tycho and Stefan in testing & debugging :)