We all sometimes need to add just a bit of CSS, JavaScript or HTML to a page, without mangling it through the WYSIWYG editor. The Snippet-App helps you do this, quickly and painlessly.
The App itself it super simple and has 3 views:
- HTML Snippet
- CSS Snippet
- JavaScript Snippet
Basically all three snippets provide you with a text-field to add your custom code, and place this in the page unmodified. The main difference is that the CSS-Snippet will wrap your code inside a <style>-tag, and the Script-Snippet will wrap it inside a <script>-tag.
Installing the App
Since this is a 2sxc-App for DNN, it installs per portal and has no side-effects on other portals. You can download the snippet app from the app catalog. If you need help installing it, read the blog on installing 2sxc and any app.
Adding Custom CSS in 10 Seconds
This is almost to simple to write about, but here goes anyhow:
- Add the 2sxc-app module to the page
- Choose the snippet app
- Select the "Add Styles" from the second drop-down
- Click edit
- Add the lines of CSS that you need
- Save
This is what the add-dialog (steps 2 and 3) looks like: 
and this is what the edit-css dialog looks like:

Adding JavaScript in 10 Seconds
This is the same process as with the CSS, the dialog even looks the same:

Adding Custom HTML
Again the very same, trivial process:

We hope you love it - greetings from Switzerland,