





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

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DNNCon is Now DNN Summit

As technologists we are accustomed to change. Change happens all around us every day. From hardware to software, to coding languages, techniques, and patterns, the pace of change is rapid. At this point in time we find ourselves on the brink of more change, but this change is not so much in code or hardware, but rather in organization and identity.

Day of DotNetNuke to DNNCon, A Brief History

The Day of DotNetNuke, later known as DNNCon, was created and ushered to greatness by DNN community legend, Will Strohl. Will saw a need and fueled by unrelenting passion and drive, he created an event that was very successful and impacted numerous lives. The event he created is the very reason you are here reading this blog right now.

While under Will’s leadership the event grew and even changed its identity. After several years of successful events the Day of DotNetNuke, previously a one day event, was transformed to DNNCon, a multi-day event including training and additional social events. The change made sense and was well received by the community.

Will Strohl Moves on from DNNCon

If you read Will’s recent blog “Moving on from DNNCon” you know that the event is in a period of transition accompanied by a change in leadership. Will entrusted his creation to a group of DNN Community members and we’ve been busy trying our best to serve the community since Will’s announcement.

With the greater DNN Community in mind we’ve spent a lot of time discussing possible updates to the event and pondering ways to, well, continue the awesomeness! The updates I’m sharing below are the result of a lot of meetings, energy, passionate debate, and time spent all in hopes of continuing the growth and evolution of the event and the DNN Community in general.

With that said, let’s talk about the updates…

DNNCon is now DNN Summit

With the transition it seemed appropriate to re-brand the event to “DNN Summit”. DNN Summit also comes with a new logo that will take on the same shape for brand consistency, but yet have the upper portion of the logo change each year with design elements that are unique to the respective location of the event. This will let the conference identity be standardized, yet still unique.

A Non-Profit Entity

One of the challenges for anyone who’s ever hosted a DNN conference in the past was considering how to handle money that sponsors and trainees paid. So far, each conference host has handled that task a little differently. We’ve decided to standardize and create a non-profit entity to remove that roadblock for any future conference leaders. The non-profit entity simply formalizes the medium under which US-based DNN community events are organized.

A Board to Help Run the Event

When someone decides to host a DNN Conference in their city a lot of work is required. The amount of details needed to pull off a successful event can be overwhelming and very stressful. Forming a board is necessary for the non-profit entity, but for the community it will help make these events less of a burden to the respective host city event leaders. The board will assist in counseling, planning, and executing the event which is a huge help. So, if you’re interested in hosting a DNN Summit in your town, it just got easier!

A Paid Event

We’ve decided to make the event a paid event. Charging a nominal fee for the event will allow us to increase the overall quality of the event. We will be able to create greater event exposure and market the event to a broader base. We think you’ll be able to “feel” the difference that we’ll be able to make from charging a small fee for the conference. If you are a potential sponsor who is reading this, don’t get me wrong, sponsors are still welcome and needed.

* Also notable is that a possibility of a free, online event, may still take place under the DNNCon moniker. We are still in discussions on this one and will keep everyone updated.

During the Week

Another change we opted for was to host the conference during the week. We’ve heard from numerous attendees that coming during the week is easier as the conference will then only affect 1 work week versus affecting the end of one work week and the start of another. For attendees whose employers are paying for them to come it makes logistics more feasible and discussions with employers a little easier. Finally, leaving the weekend open allows for attendees to explore local attractions should they decide to stick around the area for a few days after the conference. As an example, this year we’ve got some neat skiing packages available for attendees.

New Conference Elements

DNN Summit will have some new elements to the conference. We plan to have events such as a “Code-a-thon” and a “Business Roundtable” session in hopes of better serving the community. Of course the portions of the conference you’ve grown to love and expect will still be there too!

DNN Summit 2017 in Denver

For years we’ve heard requests for a DNN Conference being hosted back out west again. We’ve also heard rumors about a DNN Conference taking place in Denver. Well next year both of those will come true. We’re excited to announce the first DNN Summit will be held in Denver, Colorado on Jan 18 – Jan 22, 2017. Be sure to register for the event and check out the slopes afterwards!

Quick Recap

For those of you who don’t care about the details here’s what you need to know:
  • As a result of DNN conference creator Will Strohl moving out of a leadership position, the DNN Community event “DNNCon” is in a period of transition
  • DNNCon is now DNNSummit
  • We have a new logo that will change slightly with each location of the event
  • We’ve created a non-profit entity, with a board, to help run future events. This will make it much easier on the hosting city’s event leader(s)
  • The event will be a paid event & we’re working to make registration cost as low as possible. The money received from registration will help us make the event even better
  • The event will take place during the week
  • There will be new events at the conference such as a Code-a-thon & Business Roundtable
  • The next event will be held in Denver, Colorado in Jan, 2017

Help Us Spread the Word (and get ready to snowboard!)

In closing, please help us spread the word! The DNN Community Conference continues to evolve and we truly do want future events to be the best they have ever been. A lot of hard work is going on behind the scenes, but the event will not be a success without the help and support of you, the DNN Community. So spread the word and get ready to take to the slopes!

Also, if you have any thoughts, suggestions, feedback, or ideas – we’d love to hear from you!


This post is cross-listed on the DNN Summit website






David Poindexter
This is absolutely wonderful! It is nice to see this new energy and passion in the DNN community! Our team will be there with bells on (okay, maybe that wasn't the right phrase)! ;-)
David Poindexter Thursday, August 18, 2016 2:27 PM (link)

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