Tech-Ed 2005 offered a wonderful variety of educational sessions for attendees. Not that I would actually know first hand, not having actually attended any sessions. But as a partners of an attendee the opportunity to tag along to the social gatherings following the sessions was awesome.
Some of the well known, famous or infamous people I met included the legendary blogger Frank Arrigo (pictured in the middle photo below). Frank was the star performer at social gatherings and partied me under the table in no time.
I also had the pleasure of meeting Chuck Sterling (pictured second photo from the left) and the honour of being a guest at a good Aussie bbq at his Gold Coast home.
Another well known local face was DotNet evangelist Andrew Coates (pictured in the left photo), whom I had previously worked with on a DotNetNuke .Net User Group website project.
The Tech-Ed 2005 party was held at Movie World (Philip Beadle and I pictured outside Movie World in right picture below). This superbly catered event provided access to the Scooby Doo rollercoaster (my favorite), the Wet Western ride and featured a live movie re-enactment featuring every Sci-Fi / techno-junkies favorite hero Neo and heroine Trinity.