We are currently finalising the next version of DotNetNuke (4.5.0) ready for a release to the Platinum Benefactors. In a series of Blogs I will describe some of the new features/enhancements that will be included in this upcoming release.
This first Blog in the series will focus on enhancements to the Profile Property Definition Editor.
Suppress Deletion of Required Properties
A common reported problem is that people delete profile properties only to find that DotNetNuke now throws exceptions, as the deleted profile property is required. In 4.5.0 we have suppressed the ability to delete Profile properties that are "required" such as First and Last name, Timezone and PreferredLocale.

Localization of Profile Properties
While the default Profile Properties have their localized text values in Profile.ascx.resx, any newly created profile properties do not. We have added an enhancement that allows Administrators to manage the relevant localization keys within the profile property editor. The Profile Property Editor is now a Wizard - the current editor being the first page, and the following localization editor being the second page.

List type Profile Properties
Another "problem area" in the initial version of the profile editor was that it was not possible for Administrators to define new lists for the List "Data Type". This has been addressed by two new features:
- Lists can now be defined by portal
- A new List Editor page for the Property Editor Wizard. If the property is of datatype List, the second page in the new Wizard will display a "List Editor" to allow Administrators to manage the list items for the property.

In addition a number of bugs have been fixed in this area, and we have synchronized the FirstName/LastName profile properties with the same fields under the User Credentials section.