Today, the new Network of European DotNetNuke Professionals was founded (read here), and already more than 20 members joined.
Why did we (Philipp Becker, Peter Donker, Benjamin Hermann, Erik van Ballegoij and I) initiate a network of European DotNetNuke-Professionals? Many of us know, how to run our business, but usually we also know about our limitations: how to deal with larger projects, whom to ask specific questions outside the personal core competences? Having a network helps - I myself first got this experience, when I became team lead of UserDefinedTable project and got in direct contact with all the Core Team members and other DNN team leads. and 2 years ago, Philipp Becker (Portalfabrik), Benjamin Hermann (ITM) and I (gamma concept) formed dnnWerk as a compound of experts in Germany to co-operate in projects and hosting. Our clients benefit from extended skills and improved availability of our services.
I know, that there already exist an amount of ad-hoc co-operation between several individual DNN experts - but a formal network shall extend these options by expanding the basis for it: trust. That's why we plan a live meeting in February 2009, where we also shall discuss, how all of us, our clients and the DotNetNuke community may benefit best from our co-operation.
If you are an European DotNetNuke professional, don't hesitate to join us at www.dnn-europe.net.