





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

DotNetNuke OpenForce 08 Conferences Coming Soon...

Anticipation for the DotNetNuke OpenForce 08 Conferences is growing, and we are now only a month away from the kickoff event. OpenForce Europe 08 occurs on October 6 & 7 at the Leeuwenhorst Conference Center near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Following this event, OpenForce North America follows up with its second annual conference on November 10-13 co-located with DevConnections in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. This fall is shaping up to be a pivotal juncture for the DotNetNuke project, and I highly encourage everyone to get involved and participate in the excitement.


I would first like to commend our North American vendor community for stepping up this year to greatly improve DotNetNuke's visibility at the DevConnections conference. Whereas last year we had two vendors ( R2i.ntegrated and Active Modules ) who purchased booths in the conference exhibitor area, this year there are already nine vendors who have shown their commitment to the platform. Clustered near the DotNetNuke Corporation booth will be R2i.ntegrated, Active Modules, Engage Software, Data Springs, IowaComputerGurus, Seablick Consulting, AppTheory, and ( booth layout ) . The phenomenal support of the vendor community will create even greater value for OpenForce conference attendees, as they will now have the opportunity to interact with some of the more established and successful members of our ecosystem and learn more about the wealth of products and services available for the platform.


Although the bar has now been set very high by the North American vendors, there is still the opportunity for European vendors to step up and show their support to the DotNetNuke community as well. The Software Development Network has multiple Sponsorship opportunities available which will provide your business with a combination of a booth space and additional promotional benefits for a very economical price ( Gold = €4.500 / Silver = €2.750 ). A dedicated area has been reserved within the OpenForce Europe conference exhibitor area to enable European vendors to cluster around the DotNetNuke Corporation booth and create a strong community impression. The more European vendors who get involved, the more value for registered attendees, and the greater the impact on the commercial ecosystem internationally. If you are interested in participating as a conference exhibitor, please contact Joop Pecht at .


Another item I would like to highlight, which is a first for any DotNetNuke conference anywhere, is the availability of a post-conference training workshop at OpenForce North America. This all-day event, conducted on-site at DevConnections by Engage Software ( an Official DotNetNuke Training Partner ) with assistance from DotNetNuke Corporation, will provide an intense training experience, covering best practices of DotNetNuke development and administration. The training workshop will occur on November 14 and registration is available through the OpenForce website.


All in all, I am really excited to witness the evolution of the DotNetNuke OpenForce conferences this year. These conferences represent extremely valuable opportunities for the community to get together, interact, and forge stronger relationships. And it’s tough to pick locations which are any more lively and exciting than Amsterdam and Las Vegas! See you there...



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