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DotNetNuke on the Gartner Magic Quadrant!

Gartner Magic Quadrant DotNetNukeGartner's Magic Quadrants provide a graphical competitive positioning of technology solution providers in markets where growth is high and provider differentiation is distinct. Professional organizations use Magic Quadrants as a first step to understanding the technology providers they might consider for a specific investment opportunity, as the graphical representation and research material provides them with a wide-angle view of the relative positions of the various competitors in that space.

I am proud to announce that DotNetNuke has achieved representation on a Gartner Magic Quadrant for the first time in 2011!

Gartner has a multitude of Magic Quadrants for different markets, with categories spanning the entire technology landscape - from highly mature, broad-based solutions to emerging niche opportunities. With such a rapid pace of innovation, the category match for a specific solution provider is not always precise, and it is not atypical for a solution to be represented in multiple categories.

DotNetNuke is represented in the Horizontal Portals Magic Quadrant. Gartner defines a horizontal portal as "a Web software infrastructure that provides interaction with relevant information assets (for example, information/content, applications and business processes), knowledge assets and human assets by select targeted audiences, delivered in a highly personalized manner." The Horizontal Portal market category is very mature, with representation from most of the largest enterprise software organizations such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and SAP. And although the market experienced a great deal of consolidation in recent years, it is widening once again with new entrants such as DotNetNuke focused on providing comprehensive User Experience Platforms ( UXP ), integration with Cloud services, and evolution of their robust extensibility models into commercial App Stores.

To be considered for the 2011 Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals, vendors needed to satisfy an extensive list of criteria. Technical items included the availability of an extensible platform, user management and role-based security, integration with a wide variety of services, personalization, content management capabilities, business process management, and support for multi-channel and multi-device delivery. Business criteria included representation in 2 major geographic areas, at least 100 enterprise customers, and at least $4 million in product revenue.

DotNetNuke strengths identified by Gartner in this year’s Magic Quadrant were:

  • DotNetNuke boasts an extensive user base, with several large enterprises beginning to use the platform as a standard enterprisewide
  • Many of the other vendors will struggle to put together an app store; however, DotNetNuke has already generated a vibrant ecosystem of modules
  • DotNetNuke is exploiting the growing use of .NET as a development standard for all Web efforts. Although this effect is largely the result of SharePoint’s impact, DotNetNuke is often regarded as a lower-cost, lightweight alternative or a complement to Sharepoint, and .NET alternatives to SharePoint are scarce.


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