Let me first say it was my first attempt to use this new
Plesk version. So my first look at it was WOW! Lots of features and great control over you hosted web. And best of all it includes a DNN version
ready to install. Can a DNN developer be happier?
I was a bit deceived to see it was version 3.1.1 but thought it could be easily upgraded after the install (which in fact ended up being true), so I went with it.
Keep in mind that the package installed is the one containing all the source files and development stuff. But you can remove all that files later on you if you want)
First step was to name the new database that will be created to hold your DNN instance. Done.
Then it asks you for a folder where to install. I got my first dissappointment then: you can only install DNN on a subfolder, the root folder of your web site cannot be used. Asked on the
forums and yes, this is the only way to do it without you server administrators changing the permissions on the root folder.
Not that I cannot use a subfolder but heck!, everybody wants their main web site on the root (www.whatever.com
/). So this forces you to put and html redirect on the root to point to your web site, mmm....
Ok, I created a new web folder under the root and selected that one to install DNN. A couple more clicks and voila! my new DNN web site was created. Since I'm a bit suspicious I looked at the newly created web.config to verify all was correct. And yes all was fine, it even created a new sql user (bit strangely named as dnusr_a4fd5420a4) and a good password (I'd better don't tell you my password...).
So I pointed a new window browser to the correct url, DNN started to install and finished without problems. Great!
But after my first access to the home page...all full of javascript errors! My server was not serving .js files! I pointed to www.myserver.com/webfolder/js/dnn.js and got a nice
Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.damn it, what's going on here? The file was there and correctly named. I tried changind the name without any luck but when I changed the extension it was sent to the browser. After bothering a couple DNN Core Team members (thanks everybody!) we agreed this should be a server problem.
Googled a bit and saw something about MIME types that remembered me something I've seen on the control panel. Went there, added a new MIME type for javascript files as .js = application/x-javascript, refreshed my web site and all errors were gone.

So if you ever see something similar you now see where to look at.
I don't know if this is a bad server configuration (I think so) or it's supposed to be normal, but I'm sure I don't like it. I'd be more than happy to get any feedback on this one.
Then it only was a matter to ftp the files for DNN 3.2.2 over the existing web and upgrade to latest version.