





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

Entries for 'David Poindexter'

Simple 10-Step Testing for DNN Platform Release Candidates

Paving The Way For A Web Components Based DNN Future
A welcome change of recent is the introduction of the Release Candidate (RC) into the new release cycle for DNN Platform.  Having early access to an upcoming RC gives everyone valuable insight into what is coming in the official release.  Not only do we get a chance to learn and prepare for use of the new version within our own test environments and those of our clients, but we also have a chance to participate in community-wide testing and provide valuable feedback.  This is an area in which the Technology Ecosystem Advisory Group could really use your help.  The more people that touch each Release Candidate, the greater the stability and quality of the platform. Continue Reading »
Oct 24
By: David Poindexter

Discover All Sorts Of Open Source DNN Community Goodness

Paving The Way For A Web Components Based DNN Future

Let's face it, sometimes it is very hard to keep up with everything that is going on in this vibrant DNN Community!  People are so freakin' creative and I often think they have way too much free time on their hands in order to pull off some of the amazing accomplishments they do!  I am kidding about the "free time" of course.  I just know that within each and every DNN Community member, there is a unique and valued talent waiting to be discovered and shared.  That is why we proudly present nvQuickPulse.

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Sep 13
By: David Poindexter

Paving The Way For A Web Components Based DNN Future

Paving The Way For A Web Components Based DNN Future

Are you tired of JavaScript Framework Churn? Perhaps some of my latest development efforts will help brighten your day and improve your outlook for future DNN development possibilities. While this project is in the early stages, I am so excited about it and wanted to go ahead and share what I am working on for the DNN community. I believe this contribution will have similar, if not greater, impact to future DNN development as some of my previous open source contributions.

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Jul 10

What Happens When a Blog Engine Tries to Put on Big-Boy Pants

The Devil Is In The Details - WordPress
For me and my team at nvisionative we have never been tied to any one CMS. I have always said, our business does not rely on DNN. I realize this may come as a surprise to some of you in the DNN community, but it’s true. Rather than forcing everyone into one toolset, we focus on building solid solutions for our clients. To do that, we keep an open mind and use the right tool for the job. That said, when it makes sense, we do in fact choose DNN. However, there are times when we don’t have a choice in the matter and we are forced to use tools that are mandated by our client or are inherited from an existing client implementation. Lo and behold, sometimes (more times than we’d like to admit) those tools include WordPress.
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Jun 11

DNN Archive Releases, OSS, and Answering the Call

If you’ve been paying attention you know that DNN Corp recently released the DNN archives to the community on GitHub.  However, those archives were missing releases and I was one of the first to ask for updates to the new archives. As DNN has been focusing more on empowering the DNN Community, I took this an opportunity to activate and take them up on that offer.  The end result is a re-release of the DNN archives on GitHub from DNN 9.x all the way back to the beginning with 1.x.
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Mar 27
By: David Poindexter

DNN vNext as a Progressive Web App (PWA) on ASP.NET Core

Have you been following along with the Progressive Web App discussion?  There is a lot of value in leveraging this modern technology. In this blog I’m going to detail the steps I took to update the DNN vNext project to run as a Progressive Web App (PWA) and what that means for the future of DNN.
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Mar 11

Implementing "Speedbumps" in DNN

Implementing Speedbumps in DNNHave you ever been asked to implement a “speedbump” on a client website and been like WHAAA???  LOL!  The first time I heard this phrase, I had no clue what the heck is our client was talking about and worse yet, I was too ashamed to just come out and ask them at first!  :)  After doing some searching around, thanks to our friend Google, I got some ideas as to what they might have been asking, so I mustered up the courage to just fall on my sword and let them know we were clueless to the full meaning of their "speedbump" request.  Perhaps you have found yourself in the same boat and landed on this blog post.

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Jan 30
By: David Poindexter

A New Paradigm in DNN Theme Development with Official Release of nvQuickTheme 1.0.0

nvQuickTheme is more than just a great minimalist DNN (DotNetNuke) theme. It is a powerful theme building framework and developer workflow. This "starter solution" was made with developer efficiency and the ultimate DNN theme performance in mind. Most DNN themes in the marketplace today are loaded with bloat, which can make theming a pain, and for someone new to DNN, almost impossible. Our documentation will outline basic usage, modification, and advanced usage of this framework and developer workflow.

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Jan 29
By: David Poindexter

SPECIAL EDITION - Interview with Andy Tryba, New CEO @ DNN Corp

In this DNN special edition meetup, we sat down with Andy Tryba, the new CEO of DNN Corp, post-acquisition by ESW Capital. In an August 25, 2017 DNN community blog post by Joe Brinkman, Andy was quoted as follows. "For over a decade, the DNN open source community has been instrumental in delivering solutions that customers value. I look forward to embracing the community further to accelerate innovation and re-energize the power of open source." – Andy Tryba Continue Reading »
Aug 30
By: David Poindexter

How To Release An Extension On DNN Forge

Okay, so you have built something great - congratulations!  Now it is time to share it with the world.  Well, one of the ways you can share your extension with the DNN community is by publish it to the DNN Forge.  Don't let the name scare you, it's not a fort for you to figure out how to penetrate; it is actually quite simple and easy.

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Mar 13
By: David Poindexter
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Antonio Chagoury (28)
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cathal connolly (55)
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Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
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David Poindexter (12)
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