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Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

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The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

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Entries for 'Mitchel Sellers'

Step One Complete: ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection in DNN

In a recent blog post I provided a bit of a status update to the community on the DNN Platform plans for a migration to .NET Core. In that post, I outlined a number of the key initiatives and the steps that were being taken to accomplish the goals. In this post, I can proudly proclaim that the DNN Community has delivered, and DNN 9.4.0 and later will have ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection support for all extension development types. This was made possible by a great contribution from Andrew Hoefling in collaboration with the entire Technology Advisory Group (TAG). In my opinion, this contribution is one of the biggest keystones to progressing forward.

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May 16
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN, .NET Core & .NET 5 Revisited

This week Microsoft is holding their annual BUILD conference and as with every other build event, we are greeted with major announcements regarding the future of the Microsoft Technology Stack. This year is no different. There are two announcements that are most compelling to the DNN Community; Introducing.NET 5 and .NET Core is the Future of .NET. I have already thrown my $0.02 on this topic with a post on my personal blog .NET 5: The Future is Now, however, I wanted to take a moment to dive into more specifics around what the DNN Technology Advisory Group is doing for DNN as it relates to these recent announcements that seem to set a clear future.

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May 08
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN Platform Update Service

As the DNN Community continues to take over responsibility for the management of the DNN Platform we continue to chip away at the assets and features that were not fully under the control of the community. One of these key elements, that is often overlooked, is the Update Service. I have developed and contributed to the DNN Community a replacement to the Update Service, completely re-written in .NET Core with a focus on security & data privacy. Support from the .NET Foundation will allow us to host the service. Starting with DNN 9.4.0 this service will become the new standard going forward, however, we are looking to get users testing with the update service on older versions of DNN, and would appreciate ANY metrics that can be gathered from these older installations.

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May 01
By: Mitchel Sellers

Moving Forward DNN Platform 10.0: Growing Pains Lead To Improvement

As I look to the future with DNN.Platform we have an amazing platform, however, the platform has been growing for more than 15 years. With 15 years of growth, we have a number of things that have evolved that are "less than perfect' along the way. However, as we look to move into the future we have amazing things on the fore-front. .NET Core, Blazor, you name it we have a lot of new technologies that could be implemented that will help the platform grow. This growth, however, will not come without a few growing pains along the way, so it is worth discussing on a regular basis to keep everyone on the same page. One of these growing pains are continued API management which can cause upgrade issues, we want to plan ahead so let's dive into what is coming.

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Apr 19
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN – The Platform Year in Review 2018

It is not an understatement to say that 2018 has been the most exciting year so far for the DNN Platform. But much of the excitement and work is going on behind the scenes, so most of you might not be aware of it. Think of it like a city setting out to build a subway – thousands of man-hours are being invested, but all of the action is taking place out of sight.

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Dec 15
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN, .NET Core, and the Road Ahead

I’ll be the first to admit that this blog post should have been written a few weeks ago, however, a number of items needed to fall in-line before I could give this post justice. Within the DNN Technology Advisory Group (TAG) the future of DNN as it relates to .NET Core has been discussed at length many times. These conversations have come to multiple conclusions in the past, however, in the most recent discussions, thanks to some clarity by Microsoft an immediate term decision has been put in place. In this post I hope to try and share the highlights of those discussions, the reasoning behind the decision and the road ahead, at last as it appears now, for DNN.

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Nov 10
By: Mitchel Sellers

An Update From the Technology Advisory Group

It is hard to believe that it has been more than four months since I assumed the leadership role of the Technology Advisory Group. In some ways, it seems like it should be much longer than that, and in others, it feels like it was just yesterday. In this short amount of time, we have accomplished an incredible amount of items together as a community. Though, if you aren’t in the group or reading our meeting minutes you may not be aware of what has been accomplished by the group and what is in our roadmap. In an effort to better communicate the group’s progress and future goals I wanted to share some details that might often go unnoticed and things we have planned for the future.

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Oct 03
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN 9.2.2 Released!

The 9.2.2 release has arrived and it’s arrival signals several milestones worthy of mentioning. It represents great progress in the community, collaboration with DNN Corp, and it is the first 100% community driven release in a long time. If you haven’t upgraded this is a great time to get current and we’d like to thank all community members who contributed to this release.

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Oct 01
By: Mitchel Sellers

DNN 9.2.1 Released

Two weeks ago the DNN TAG posted the 9.2.1 Release Candidate. You may have seen the blog Oliver Hine posted about the release where we asked the community to assist us in testing the release candidate. The community has responded and has tested the release and provided valuable feedback.


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Aug 07
By: Mitchel Sellers

Pull Requests, Processes, Builds, & Roadmap

Pull Requests, Processes, Builds, & Roadmap Summary Image If you’ve been keeping up with the DNN Technology Advisory Group meeting replays then you know there was a very positive meeting that took place at DNN-Connect. Several action items stemmed from that meeting and I’ve been busy following up on them ever since. In this blog I’d like to communicate the status of some of the action items from that meeting with the greater DNN Community.

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Jun 13
By: Mitchel Sellers
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cathal connolly (55)
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Mitchel Sellers (40)
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