How to set the site logo, page background image and favicon image that will be used across the site. The site logo displays in the top left corner on each page in the default skin. On custom skins it displays where ever the Logo skin object is added. The favicon (short for favourites icon) is an icon file, most commonly 16x16 pixels, associated with a particular website or web page. A web designer can create such an icon and install it into a web site (or web page) by several means, and graphical web browsers will then make use of it. Browsers that provide favicon support typically display a page's favicon in the browserA software application for displaying HTML pages on the World Wide Web. Common browser applications include Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.'s address bar and next to the page's name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers that support a tabbed document interface typically display the favicon next to the page title on the tab, and site-specific browsers use the favicon as desktop icon. The favicon is an important aspect of a site's brand identity and is an important attribute which needs to be customized for marketing purposes.
Note 1: If no favicon is set and there is a favicon.Ico file in the root of the site that favicon.Ico will be detected by browsers and used. DNN comes with a favorites icon (named "favicon.ico") that is located in the root folder of the site's Digital Asset ManagementA Digital Asset Management (DAM) system solves the problem of managing large collections of files by making them searchable and usable. DAM provides the tools for finding, organizing, and searching large collections of files. is located on the AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. > File Management page.