This latest Open Source module has an interesting back story. As usual it was born out of necessity. Ian and I recently launched our new site http://openlightgroup.net. Ian wanted to test his updated version of the SilverlightChat module so he uploaded it to the site.
Well the site crashed because umm... never mind that the directions say "Note: Install and run LinqPrep first", he assumed that since I wrote LinqPrep and the site was running on my server I would have installed it, right?
Well luck would have it I was at the local SoCalDotNet meeting watching a Dan Wahlin presentation and as usual I was online so I got his apologetic email and I was able to remote to the site and get it back up and install LinqPrep.
Of course I didn't stop to think that "Oh we still need the keys in the web.config that Silverlight will need".
So Ian uploads the Silverlight Chat to the site again and it doesn't work, and then he realizes that the keys in the web.config needed to make Silverlight work are missing. Not wanting to try and reach me again, plus it's getting late for him because he's two time zones ahead of me, he wrote the ConfigEditor module, uploaded that and added the web.config keys himself.
You can read the blog that describes how to use the ConfigEditor and get the download at this link.