I have spent a decent amount of time with the forums module recently as I have been looking at integrating it with another project at work. While I am not really going to touch on that topic much, but I do want to say that with the next release this module will have the ability to and an example of how to: integrate with other modules. The reason I brought this up, however, is because I am sick of the UI. (This happens to me with anything I spend a significant amount of time on.)

I have decided I am going to work on making this module 'skinnable'. I have pretty much planned this out and will start reviewing how other modules available do this. I feel that whatever is done here should mimic or use the core's skinning engine. But while I am still working on the details of this from a development perspective, I do have some other items I would like to move forward with now in terms of planning. I am looking for a person to join the Forum team as a designer. I am not looking for someone to help code, just someone to work on graphics and design. I already have a team of developers who are very interested in working on a skinning engine for this module including myself. What I am looking for is someone who just wants to create some icons, wants to learn how to skin the forum module directly from me with even the ability to influence the direction of this project. The current team and I will handle all technical details, we just really want some designer input here. Anyone interested should email me directly, but please include the following (please know these are not qualifications, simply a get to know deal):
- A little bit of information about your experience with DotNetNuke.
- A blurb about your experience with the DotNetNuke Forum module.
- Some display (portfolio possibly) of previous graphic work.
- Some display (portfolio possibly) of html design work.
- What operating system you use. (Just curious, I do also own a G5 Mac so mac designers don't be scared!)
- Availability (There is some level of commitment I am looking for, please be honest)
- Knowledge of CSS (I guess table-less design to be more specific)
Benefits Include:
- Learn everything about the module you would ever need to know from me. (Oh what fun, nerdy discussions w/ Crispy)
- Abuse from the community (@ times, there are some encouraging words)
- Absolutely no financial support (This definately won't make you rich!)
- A meaningless Forum Team avatar displayed in all your forum posts. (Admit it, you want to be a part of something to have some form of acceptance)
Seriously though, its not really that bad. I happen to enjoy the time I spend working on this module. If it was ever possible (gotta eat), I would love to work on this module full time because I enjoy it and I also enjoy having a tool available (the forum module) for any other project I do that I can depend on because I know everything about it. I am hoping that by having a designer on the team, the module will progress faster than it currently is (although I feel the module is progressing at a pretty decent rate considering my time restrictions).
If anyone knows of someone who may not read this blog but would possibly be interested in working on the project, please forward this information to them.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in being a designer for the forum team, please contact me at chris.paterra AT this domain. There are no real fringe benefits and definately no glory in taking this position aside from learning and possibly influencing this module.