Are You Asking Yourself Am I a “Super” Fan?
If you have ever attended a user group, DNNCon, DNN World, created an open source extension, helped someone in the forums or exchange, or even simply said the words, “I love DNN!” you might be this years DNN Super Fan! Seriously… If you’re reading this blog and have gotten this far, you’re already qualified. You love DNN and now is your chance to be rewarded for being named the DNN Super Fan for 2013.
This year we have a slight different way to participate in the DNN Super Fan contest and that is by telling everyone else out there why you love DNN. It’s literally that simple!
Contest Entries
The entry for being a DNN Super Fan contest contestant simply needs to be a short video of you in some way telling people why you love DNN. The video needs to be 60 seconds or less – no exceptions! What you say and do in the video, what tools and resources you use, and everything else is up to you. All you have to do is keep it family-friendly.
You can host your video entries anywhere you’d like, such as Vine, Instagram, Vimeo, Flickr, or YouTube. However, you will be required to send your video file to us as well. We’ll make arrangements to send large files as needed.
Once we receive your file and approve the content, not only are you part of the contest, but you will also be awarded 100 community points to help boost your ranking in the DNN Community!
If you want some ideas for your own video, take a look at what some of the employees at DNN Corp cooked up!
Believe it or not, the videos above only took a couple of hours each to create. Imagine what you could create if you spent an hour or so more!
Grand Prize Winner
You probably have noticed that DNN recently refreshed its brand including a shiny new logo. The old logo was one that we who love DNN have done a lot of things with since we loved it so much. It’s been the subject matter for fake tattoos, real tattoos (ask @ErikVB) , cakes, bowls, and more. Years ago when Nik Kalyani was helping create the old logo, he imagined it as if it were to be one day created as a 3-dimensional object. As you can see below, that dream came true in the DNN Corp offices, and numerous people stopped by to have their pictures with it. If you haven’t seen it before, check it out below…

Yes. The logo is real. However, since the brand refresh, the new DNN logo is on the wall. That means that we need to find a new home for the old logo, and that home could be YOURS! That’s right, the winner of this years DNN Super Fan contest will win the 3D logo from DNN Corp headquarters! You know you want it! They’ve had to hide it from us because we’re already fighting over it here… (True story.)

Second and third place will get a nice prize too, but I can’t stop thinking about having that logo mounted in my house!
How to Enter
Entering the contest is easy. You simply need to send an email to superfan@dnnsoftware.com. Be sure to include the details below. Incomplete details may result in your entry not being accepted.
- Your DNNSoftware.com website username
- Your first and last name
- Your video entry file (either as an attachment or a link to download the actual video file)
It doesn’t get any more simple than that… We’ll be accepting entries
through October 1, 2013 and voting will commence shortly after.
The winners will be announced at DNNCon Palm Beach on October 19, 2013.
Now tell us all about why you love DNN and win
This blog entry is cross-posted from my personal blog site.